Hello guys!

In last few years I have developed a Kalax flytesting device. It all started from my intrest to streamers and salmonflies and their behavior under water. I managed to get the device in excellent shape, water goes exactly the way I want. By the time I got the device working I found my self more and more tying flies...well I did that a lot few years ago when I didnt have the device even in my dreams, but now as I said I ty all the time...

Well, reason I decided to write here, was that, I would like to get an information and opinions from other flytyiers about this Kalax device,
( http://www.kalax.net so far we manufactor very small quantitys), in northern europe flyfishers have told me that this is absolutely excellent device to on your desk, but what are opinions in Usa !!!???

Please write your comments.


Toni Karhukorpi