A short while ago my 05/06 Burton Mission Binding had to be sent back on warranty with a cracked base plate. The guys down at the shop recommended that I send back both bindings just in case they didn't have the parts to fix my old set, they would just send out some new ones. I kept my fingers crossed, and wouldn't you know, when they came back they were a shiny new set of 06/07 Missions. Overall I was pretty pleased with my Missions, but I have wanted to try out Cartels for awhile, so I asked up the guys at the shops if it was cool to make an upgrade. 30 bucks later I walked with a new set of binders.
I didn't know it from the catalog or website, but I saw them on a friends board in mis-match black and white fade, and immediately fell in love. There are tons of cool styling throughout these fastners from the anodized red ratches to the black and white plaid straps with custom interior. Straight up, these this just look sweet.
Fashion isn't the only thing that you are going to get out of one of Burtons most responsive and popular set of tiedowns though. The new upgraded Hi-Back Adjustment is one lever: flip it open, pull the block out, slide to prefered spot, flip the lever closed. You could probably even pull it off in mits.
Along with no clog ratchets garrantied to run smooth all day, new convertable Grip Cap-Staps that brake down to whichever configuration your little heart disires, full base plate padding to keep constant contact with you base, as well as a huge gas pedal in the fron to help with those toeside slashers and a shock pad under your heel to suck up some inpact while your stompin' your moves.
I've been dying to get my grubby paws on a set so I'll keep you updated on what I think.
If you're already running 'em, drop some knowledge too.