Any of you guys...

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  • 02-13-2004
    Any of you guys...
    catch this thread about us die hards over on Outdoors Best Forums a week or so ago?
  • 02-13-2004
    Dave E.

    Originally Posted by JiB
    catch this thread about us die hards over on Outdoors Best Forums a week or so ago?

    Nope, me, Dave G., Colston and Chuck must have missed it :rolleyes: ......Why didn't you chime in on that one?
    Oh well, do you think that this change has anything to do with that? Now that would be a coincidence, huh? However, it seems pretty unlikely.

    Best, Dave
  • 02-14-2004
    Now I have
    Ya' know, I'd post more often if I had anything useful to say, but I pretty much just dink around on stillwater which doesn't seem to be all that popular around here. And, as much as I love to flyfish, I have other hobbies that keep my attention divided. Plus, I don't have the experience that you, Dave E and some of you other guys have to answer questions about gear, techniques, etc. Heck, I still can't cast worth a darn and I'm totally convinced that the only flies I need are a bird's nest and an Adams (even though I seem to tie everything under the sun anyway) :D

    I try to post once in awhile on the Oregon board at Westfly because it's more relevant to me, but the only thing that really keeps my interest there are those great pictures that Mark and Royal post on their lake adventures (I'm definitely gonna go after some Macks this year!) Very cool stuff. :cool:

    So basically I'm kinda useless for flyfishing BB's - I just don't take it all seriously enough. On top of that, I'm on a dialup and sites like this one that pound you senseless with ads are a real pain. I understand the need for them, I just don't have the patience half the time to deal with it. I've met some great people here and have learned a ton (many thanks to people like Dave E) but now I just wanna go fishing. :)

    Here's another reason - it took me 45 minutes to do this post. Every time I go to a new thread, I have to type in the post, copy it, then get re-directed to the login screen because it won't keep track of the fact that I'M ALREADY LOGGED IN, then find the thread I was in, and paste what I previously copied. I mean, I've got my cookies turned on, I'm telling it to remember me, I've got java and java script enabled along with everything else that's useful for abuse, and it's still just a pain in the butt. I really don't care anymore why some websites can't do something simple like a BB - I just end up saying screw it. I'll presevere for you guys though. Can you feel the love? :D

    :D :D
  • 02-14-2004
    Thank you for your dedication!
    Hey, Allan!
    I can sympathize with your experiences with this BB, but I appreciate your perseverance. I know very little about computers; shoot, I had to wait two weeks for my kid to come home from college to show me how to turn my new computer on! I am on a dial-up system, but I have no problems such as you are experiencing.
    Speaking of fishing, how about coming over to the Reno area when Dave E. and a few of us get together this spring for a little fishing for some Lahontans? It'll be great getting together with some of the guys! If you do not already know the details, e-mail me or Dave E. It gonna be a fine time!! :cool:
  • 02-14-2004
    Consider me a diehard
    It's a shame we lost track of some of those fellas. It was about the only well mannered board during it's time. I hope we can round up some of the crowd again. I miss the conversation.
  • 02-14-2004
    Hey DaveG, thanks for leavin' me treadin' water
    I'm not the strongest of swimmers anyway. I'm still lurking at the old board, I found it easier to use.
  • 02-14-2004
    Dave G.

    Originally Posted by Brian_Canose
    I'm not the strongest of swimmers anyway. I'm still lurking at the old board, I found it easier to use.

    Well Brian, I didn't know that anyone was left on the sinking ship. If I'd have know you were locked in one of the cabins I would have thrown you a SOS vest along with a key :D
    I know Colston got tired of bailing water and had found a moderator position at VFS, along with his cases of single malt he'd taken from the galley :eek:
    Best regards,