View Full Version : CDs away!...

05-02-2005, 10:02 AM
LL expect a care package in the next few days via Priority Mail. I tucked away some stamps for the return postage so be on the looksy for them.

How's everyone else doing with the burning (not THAT burning E :eek: )?

05-02-2005, 10:22 AM
Wow, you're super quick huh?

I've got 4 or 5 tracks so far...including 2 of my favourite 80's bands (do you know "Love my way"???) actually!!!!!!!!! yeah!

Also hoping to find a great track on the new Mando Diao disc....just bought it though so we'll see...heard of them?

05-02-2005, 10:29 AM
Only 1 80s song on this disc and it's from New Order. I can hear the collective sigh of relief!;)

Never heard of Mando Diao but after hearing their music I have only 1 question: who came first: MD or the Killers?:confused:

05-02-2005, 10:33 AM
What? No Air Supply this go round?! :p

Boy George is absent too???

I think MD are kindof a Hives clone, not sure when the Killers hit the scene...but a girl in my office was just over in Switzerland snowboarding (yep, I hate her) and MD is huge there. You know how cutting edge the Swiss are when it comes to knives ...err...I mean music

05-02-2005, 10:40 AM
and I listen to Boy George in private.

And by the way, I am only super-quick at CD burning.:p

05-02-2005, 10:48 AM
Now I'll have something to listen to while I burn my CDs. :D

I think I have all my songs picked out. Now I just have to arrange them, and do the CD art.

And I managed to squeeze one over-the-top 80s song in there, too, just to mortify the unsuspecting canuck when he pops the CD in on his commute to work...ha...

05-02-2005, 10:54 AM
Just a hand-written note on the disc. But, I did include a play-list so that when you say "What the hell kind of song is this?" you can look at the playlist and be satisfied. Or, dissatisfied, whichever the case may be.:p

05-02-2005, 11:28 AM
...being a loose kind of gal in general.

Mine'll probably be about as arty as yours, unless the cure for terminal laziness is discovered in the next week.

Looking forward to the new music!

05-02-2005, 12:32 PM
"new music"?? Tantrum?? :o

I really should hand deliver my discs, I miss your neighbourhood!!!
(and it's rainy here today which totally sucks)

05-02-2005, 01:06 PM
"new music"?? Tantrum?? :o That hurts, but it is so true. Quite a few of my songs are from the 60s and 70s. However, I did include a Blink 182 song. Does that make me current?

05-04-2005, 07:51 PM
Fabulous collection. Very uppity-hippity-happity! Nicely done.

And I breathed a sigh of relief that you didn't steal my game by putting the "Theme from St. Elmo's Fire" on your mix...whew! I'd hate to have to rethink my songlist. ;)

OK, who's next?

05-05-2005, 07:48 AM
I just need a couple more tracks, guess I'll have to buy 'em off itunes, can't seem to locate any bananarama cds.....

05-05-2005, 08:28 AM
I just need a couple more tracks, guess I'll have to buy 'em off itunes, can't seem to locate any bananarama cds.....

What downloading tool are you using? mht's Kimmy recommended Morpheus, and I love it. It seems to have access to all the obscure (read: crappy?) tunes I needed...

05-05-2005, 08:38 AM
the late-night knock at the door and the subpeana for downloading music illegally?:eek: Wait, you're probably not downloading Metallica or Brittany Spears so you should be safe. Or are you?:p

05-06-2005, 07:54 AM
k, I'm ready to burn!!!

hmmmmm...where can I buy those cool vinyl lp looking cds that Jibnot uses.....?

05-06-2005, 07:57 AM
these might do...on the other hand they're a bit um "fruity"?

05-06-2005, 08:20 AM
I get the pineapple one.

Other than the Furs and MD, who else will grace your CD?

05-06-2005, 08:30 AM

You will not believe my cd this year!!!!!

Absolutely no electronica, no hip-hop and no Jack Johnson!!
I know, hard to believe isn't it!!!!!!

05-06-2005, 08:38 AM
Great, another best of Menudo compilation...

Anyway, guess I need to get off my bum and start doing some burning... Have hardly put any thought into it yet... Oh well.. I'll whip something forgetable up like I always do..

05-06-2005, 08:51 AM
You can't stay away from electronica, hip-hop and Jack Johnson any more than I can stay away from 80s cheese. Just admit it and put it on the disc regardless of what people will say.:D

05-06-2005, 08:52 AM
I'll whip something forgetable up like I always do..you put on your disc last time?:p

Dazzle us with your forgetableness.

05-06-2005, 08:54 AM
nope, but there is an hour's worth of Aboriginal jamming ....I mean who doesn't love the
didgeridoo ????

05-06-2005, 08:54 AM

You will not believe my cd this year!!!!!

Absolutely no electronica, no hip-hop and no Jack Johnson!!
I know, hard to believe isn't it!!!!!![/QUOTE=canuck]

LOL.... one Jack Johnson song, a couple of hiphop, and I believe there's also one electronica track in my cd compilation... you are going to loooooove it! :D

(You know my gumbo mixes got a bit of everything...)

However, my ode to the 80s song is no bananarama, duran duran, nor flock of seaguls, but a band that had significantly more influence during my teen years in Spain: Baron Rojo, meeetaaal foreveeeer!

*crap, I just gave myself whiplash*

05-06-2005, 08:56 AM

I am definitely going to win the weirdest compilation award this go round!!!!
That's what happens when you "buy" tracks instead of burning your own cds.....


05-06-2005, 09:12 AM
*crap, I just gave myself whiplash*I can see you head-banging in the office and all of the other lawyer-types shaking their heads in confusion.

05-07-2005, 11:15 AM
Finishing them up now......So I decided to go a bit crazy this year and provide a three ceedee set for your heads...each disc is a seperate mix from the others...should be interesting....also I will try and provide track listings this time too.


dj evilninja

05-09-2005, 08:51 AM
A recent ode to the 80s in Seattle, Fankick! vs. StreetBeat :D
Dance Battle of the Century (http://www.thestranger.com/video/danceoff/index.html) (quicktime video)

05-10-2005, 01:20 PM
you guys and gals are gonna love it!

It'll be the soundtrack to the next Mack Dawg movie.

05-10-2005, 01:37 PM
cool....did you know that a cd will actually fly an incredibly long way when tossed off the roof of a tall building, or frisbee'd out of a car window at freeway speed?

05-10-2005, 04:22 PM
How ya been?


05-11-2005, 10:56 AM
Just finishing up my mix (burn tonight) , hop I’m not holding up the gang.It's an AM radio fundraiser drive from the mid 80’s if you donate over $100. You get a burlap grocery bag and coffee mug.Time to make some turns in some new fresh snow.

Canuck- you can get the disks at most chain office supply stores, try Canadian Depot…..next to the birch bark and ash pencils or is that coal? :confused:

05-12-2005, 05:39 AM
I haven't got to burning mine yet, what with all the preparations for the contest. But I know pretty much what's going to be on it, so hopefully can bust it out by the end of next week.


05-12-2005, 07:33 AM
Canuck- you can get the disks at most chain office supply stores, try Canadian Depot…..next to the birch bark and ash pencils or is that coal? :confused:[/QUOTE]

tks, I got'em at the equivalent of "Best Buy".....purdy colors too...

05-12-2005, 07:42 AM
This seems to happen everytime we do this. I get my discs done and can never find boxes to send them in....drives me a bit nutty. Time to troll the halls for shipping containers....hopefully the disc will be out today....later all!


05-16-2005, 02:52 PM
LL, expect the FedEx delivery guy tomorrow afternoon...

woohoo!! :p

05-17-2005, 07:24 AM
For real this time...expect them weds afternoon via USPS....enjoy!!!!


05-17-2005, 07:28 AM
Mine went out yesterday, via Canada Post "air mail"

expect them to travel to a variety of world capitals ending up in Los Angeles sometime late Summer....

05-17-2005, 11:28 AM
I'm finally burning mine today, shipping tomorrow if all goes well. And yes, this is a special CD. I'll apologize now to anyone who is offended, annoyed, or otherwise emotionaly scarred by any, if not all, of the material I've included this time around.

05-17-2005, 12:05 PM
I'll apologize now to anyone who is offended, annoyed, or otherwise emotionaly scarred by any, if not all, of the material I've included this time around.I already know that Canuck will be using my disc as a high-speed physics experiment from the sunroof of his yuppy SUV.:p

05-17-2005, 01:05 PM
off to Vegas Friday......

missing these guys by only 2 days!!!!!!! yay!!


05-17-2005, 01:30 PM
Bummer you're missing Air Supply, but maybe you can catch this: http://www.vegas.com/searchagent/event/SearchResultView.do?id=10398

05-18-2005, 06:01 AM
"...the costumes delightful and the cast does an excellent job with what it has." I'm sure the topless costumes are delightful and with artificially enhanced boobs, the cast does an excellent job displaying them.:eek:

05-18-2005, 06:03 AM
off to Vegas FridayOtherwise, why go to Vegas?:confused: :p

05-18-2005, 07:19 AM
Hello guys, gals, assorted misfits, an update on my life at this point...

MyCDs are finally burned and packaged, ready to go over the pond. I am happy to see that I am not the last one to contribute (As I had anticipated I would) and that I have burned a fine Canuckie CD it seems: some beat, some eighties, and no Jack Johnson, but someone I like much better: Bright eyes, and Citizen Cope. All in all, its pretty relaxed and melancholy, which means I must be turning into an old broad....ohoh...

I m sorry I havent been around, life has just decided to throw me into a whirlpool of things, happening all at once. After the good news of new studio, new gallery, taking me to Köln this year, for which Ill have to work my ass off this summer, we went on and bid for a house. Finally! Due to 30 years of socialist government (it does have its perks) we could go on buying a house without the help of my dad, as the dutch government (Yes, they are the only government crazy enough to do that) pays back the rent paid on mortgages for the not so wealthy. But now it seems some old score is haunting my ass, as I cant get a mortgage right away before that is settled. Apparently, not even socialists are that crazy! In between, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, had an operation to take one breast away, after which I came to her house to help her out with washing and cleaning and clothing herself, and hugging her every half hour. (And watching that she didnt start smoking, at which I utterly failed) She was three weeks later diagnosed (Thank God) as cancer free, as they didnt find any cancer cells in the lymph nodes they also took out. That happened the same day I was diagnosed with womb cancer, for which I'll have an operation to take it out next week, the 25th. (After that I will be fine: its a very benign - for as much as that word applies - and very slow growing, slow spreading cancer. Recovery rates are at 95%) Ill have to have sent my entries for a grant I am battling for at the 27th. And settle the dispute about the mortgage before the first of june. Busy, busy, busy times.

So you see, I have got an alibi to be late with the swap, I really do!
(Andboy, have I been wishing lately to escape it all, drive to the alps and just ride, ride, ride, and just not think about anything!)

05-18-2005, 07:41 AM
very perceptive of you....

a friend of mine is getting married, and I figured it was a good excuse to go...never been.
should I bring my snowboard?

05-18-2005, 09:41 AM
very perceptive of youI see everything so clearly.

Bring a roll of quarters. A Twoony might work as well.

05-18-2005, 09:45 AM
I hope your mom and you make a full recovery. Breast cancer treatment is quite good these days.

You'll be so excited with your house. Nothing like waking up on a lazy Saturday morning only to realize you have a ton of yardwork to do.:D

Gook luck with the studio and the show. We all know you'll be great!

05-18-2005, 10:19 AM
I don't even know what to say... all that sounds pretty overwhelming. I am glad your mom is getting better, and that you have been diagnosed early, that is a major element in recovery success. In a minor way, our lives seem to have taken a certain tangency, in March, I had to undergo a biopsy for melanoma (you know, beach bum cancer :rolleyes: ), but luckily it was benign as well. Last week, I was told my beloved grandma Pepa, a totally bad-ass lady, has been diagnosed with breast cancer, this has caused some tension with my dad, who doesn't wan't to tell her about the diagnosis and just let her pass naturaly. Sure, she's 92, but she's not senile, she's sharp as a nail, and I believe that a woman who survived civil war, dictatorship, and worked hard all her life, should be given the information pertaining to her health so that she can decide, if she wants treatment or not. But anyway, every year (since my favourite aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer), I participate in some kind of cancer research fundraiser, whether it's been "Boarding for Breast Cancer", "Triathlon for a Cure"... so last month I entered "Climb for Life", a rock climbing fundraiser for ovarian cancer research... gotta say, kicked my own ass in the process, hopefully will help out other women in your situation baby, and improve your revory chances from 95 to 100%. Much strength and love your way!

As for the Cds, I am eagerly awaiting your contribution, gotta e-mail you a video clip of Bright Eyes performing "when the president talks to god" which was pretty awesome. There are several tracks/artists in my mix that were put in there specially for you, see if you can identify them... ;)

Congratulations on the other developments in your life, home ownership, exhibit in Koln... maybe you and your beau, should come and celebrate your wedding in Spain! I'll put the bachelorette party :D

05-19-2005, 05:10 AM
had major technical difficulties lately, not to mention being swamped with putting on the event. Work computer stopped working with Rhapsody, 2 home computers refuse to enjoy the wonders of the internet, and then my laptop decided it didn't like it's power source being left out in the rain.

but I have a backup plan, so should have them out asap.


05-19-2005, 05:44 AM
glad to hear you momma is beating it. it can be done! and you hang in there, you can beat it too. I think we all know someone who overcame and beat it. I have a cousin who's recently done just that, you can too!

can't wait to hear your tunes!!!


05-19-2005, 11:41 AM
Yowsa! The booty keeps rolling in!

Canaria, you are too much. I squealed with delight when mehug popped out of your box. (Er, that sounds funny...) Once I stopped laughing, I stuck your thoughtful hostess gift to my bathroom mirror mht shrine. LOL. Oh, and the CD is great. Quite the melange. Track 9 is my theme song.

DANGER: dj evilninja went NUTS this time around. Three big fat discs oozing with gooey moozic.

Thanks, you two! I am a happy gal today.

05-19-2005, 12:34 PM
I indeed had you in mind when I chose that track ;)

Mehug is a stud, eh? :D Me thinks he needs to go to Cali investigate the existence of the misterious shrine....

05-20-2005, 03:02 PM
Okay, my CD's finally went out a day or so ago. ETA is Saturday..... LL, tell much how much to PayPal ya for return shipping stuff. I kinda spaced on that part again when I mailed it off.

BTW, my CD is a bit, um, different this year. I think artisticly I covered the last few decades in one way or another. And Canuck, give it a listen all the way through at least once before you check out it's aerodynamic atributes. There's some quality tucked in the end of a few of the songs that you might miss if you judge too early...

And yah, I'm totally looking forward to da evilninja's work again. I really enjoyed the Jungli Gora (uncultured white guy?) mix last time around... Definitely me.. ;)

05-21-2005, 08:52 AM
glad my package arrived a-okay! Canaria and I probably should have coordinated and sent our goods together....oh well....that is a bit too forward thinking for myself....looking forward to hearing everyones goodies!!! okay...back to work...yuck.


05-23-2005, 05:45 AM
And yah, I'm totally looking forward to da evilninja's work again. I really enjoyed the Jungli Gora (uncultured white guy?) mix last time around... Definitely me.. ;)

I'm the mastermind of the Gora Jungli mix. Glad somebody figured out what it meant. :)


ps. my CD's are leaving soon.

05-23-2005, 09:48 AM
...aurally pleasuring me me me....

I got your CDs, fellas. Thanks!

NK, yours got played 3x in a row last night...I love it. And so do my neighbors now. (But, Corey Hart??? What on earth!)

Off to spin canuck's platter of poutine...mmm....

La la la la la!

05-23-2005, 11:03 AM
glad my package arrived a-okay! Canaria and I probably should have coordinated and sent our goods together....oh well....that is a bit too forward thinking for myself....looking forward to hearing everyones goodies!!! okay...back to work...yuck.


Nah, I like getting all the separate packages! It's like Kwanzaa in May.

Back to work here, too...double yuck. Perfect weather outside, makes it hard to sit in and stare at a computer screen. Bleagh.

05-23-2005, 12:18 PM
Oops, sorry 'bout that MHT. Love it though... And yah, wasn't sure how to take it when I took the time to find out what exactly "Jungli" and "Gora" meant. It all makes sense now.. :)

05-23-2005, 12:24 PM
Definitelys some creative tracks in there. My wife was giving me the worst time about George Michael showing up on that CD. Anyway, you should have seen some of the stuff that didn't make it onto that CD. Some really funny stuff out there.

Anyway, glad to hear it's getting some play time. I normally get a bit burnt out on my compilations by the time I've finished putting them together, but I think that one has a little staying power...

05-24-2005, 05:42 AM
Oops, sorry 'bout that MHT. Love it though... And yah, wasn't sure how to take it when I took the time to find out what exactly "Jungli" and "Gora" meant. It all makes sense now.. :)

it was def a reference to me, not the crew. also tried to drop a hint on the cover by putting a square around the whiteness. a bit abstract, maybe.

can't wait to hear your latest jam!


05-27-2005, 11:32 AM
Slow is me, going to the post office now.

I was going to do a mix of the genius? of the early phase schizophrenia and music. Lets just say I got bogged down with some unreleased Brian Wilson… :rolleyes: ……….

Anyway not all schizophrenic

05-27-2005, 01:45 PM
So, L-

I don?t know if it was just the obedient Mormon postman that that has the fear of god implanted in his demeanor, but??.. I was given a lecture on my mailing techniques. Supposedly the pre stamped envelope is subject and may not be shipped if you don?t directly hand it over in person and get some magical OK stamp on it. (Worried about bombs) I tossed in some extra quarters sandwiched in cardboard to add weight to compensate for a difference on the way back and to give you some insurance $buffer. I got yelled at for doing this ?you might never see the cash again? bla bla bla one hudred pounds of golf balls will crush cds bla bla bla. Anyway I?m still not clear on what transpierced, I?ve done this many times and all of a sudden I need to change envelopes and stuff. Anyway its shipped hope its smooth

I?m no Theodore Kaczynski trying to kill myself :D

05-27-2005, 03:09 PM
..I will await you shipment of anthrax with great anticipation!

That's odd that they gave you so much grief over the SASE. But it'll be fine... I always have the postmistress handweigh and OK stamp 'em. If you want me to get it certified, I can do that too.

I will look forward to your sampler of nuts and chews.

So, L-

I don?t know if it was just the obedient Mormon postman that that has the fear of god implanted in his demeanor, but??.. I was given a lecture on my mailing techniques. Supposedly the pre stamped envelope is subject and may not be shipped if you don?t directly hand it over in person and get some magical OK stamp on it. (Worried about bombs) I tossed in some extra quarters sandwiched in cardboard to add weight to compensate for a difference on the way back and to give you some insurance $buffer. I got yelled at for doing this ?you might never see the cash again? bla bla bla one hudred pounds of golf balls will crush cds bla bla bla. Anyway I?m still not clear on what transpierced, I?ve done this many times and all of a sudden I need to change envelopes and stuff. Anyway its shipped hope its smooth

I?m no Theodore Kaczynski trying to kill myself :D

06-06-2005, 03:16 PM
The mail--lady was very kind to me! I just got Coldcat's and SaraNoH's boxes here. And jibnot's masterpiece arrived a few days ago. Nice job, jibby! It's a thing of loveliness and scariness. Nice.

Almost there, then! Let's get the last few sets in chop-chop, and off we go!

06-08-2005, 11:32 AM
Haven't had much time to peruse the board lately, and was overly bummed to read of the things going on with you and your mother.

My mother also had breast cancer, went through a lot of radiation treatment and surgery and is now A-OK. So, great to hear that your mother is doing better.

I now wish the best for you my friend. It sounds like you have an excellent chance of getting through this as well. Take care, and know that you have many friends thinking and praying for you.

And BTW, I always love your CDs with the international flair, so this time I put some in mine which I will dedicate to you. It'll be the only song entirely in Portugese on the CD. ;)

And, congratulations on the house! Owning a home is a wonderful feeling and, it's also annoying realizing that you actually have to do things to your home! :(


06-09-2005, 10:16 AM
I think. I put them in Kim's hands.

If you want a preview of the songlist, go here: http://porktornado.diaryland.com/albumcover.html


06-09-2005, 02:32 PM
Woohoo! Can't wait to hear'm.... And wow, there were some pretty special albums in there. Cute story about the "Ron Johnson" one...

Anyway, back to work... :/

- NoAnkle