View Full Version : helllooooo !

04-04-2005, 06:59 PM
Hi gang ! I'm so sorry about my protracted absence. I was having a ton of trouble logging into this site for AGES ! I seem to have managed to get my log-in woes sorted out. Missed the gang here - so cool to see familiar names here :) And just in time for end of season huh ? Blech. I only got 22 days in this year.

Canaria - I was thinking of you girl. I know you usually race / report at the Baker Banked Slalom. I was looking forward to attending this year, and then the race got cancelled. Figures ! I get a slot to race, and then for the first time ever, they cancel the race ! Oh well. I waived my entry fee and have retained my slot for '06. Hopefully I will see you there.

Has anyone kept in touch with Cap'm ? I wonder what he's up to these days. And how is my favourite pyscho, Chuckie ? I see familiar names -- canuck, mehug, NoKnees and Mark. And Pinky Jerel ! Where is Pinky Jerel !? :D

Holla back....

04-05-2005, 09:52 AM
Hey Sue!

Good to see you pop up here! Did the trials and tribulations of the Burton board bore you? I am still here, though I mostly just lurk here every once in a while.
I got 8 days in this year, and no indoor boarding at all, I think I'm kinda past that, so there is not much to tell in that department.

As for the other departments.......well, the gallery that has recently accepted me has phoned me yesterday to tell me they are taking me to the big international art fair in Köln, Germany by the end of october this year. Well, holy ****!!!
In between that I have an exposition to prepare, a house to buy (in the bidding stages now) and a new studio to furnish. And a few beers to sample on a terrace now that spring has once again returned. These kind of things should always remain on one's to do list you know, no matter how busy you get. Balance is important. ;)

04-05-2005, 10:18 AM
I see familiar names -- canuck, mehug, NoKnees and Mark. And Pinky Jerel ! Where is Pinky Jerel !?No shout out for me?!:p Nice to see you back on the board. 22 days still seems like a lot. Unles you're Jibnot, then you're a slacker.

04-05-2005, 10:22 AM

I saw your name on the rooster, but didn't know it was you! Should have figured... :p Girl, I would SO have been there cheering you out, pompoms and body paint included. But alas, next season I won't be in the PacNW, except for a couple of weeks over X-mas, I'll be in the Canary Islands, with the occassional snowboarding trip to mainland EU, maybe we could plan a little get together over there with Marije, and while you haven't met Ripz, we could pester him too.

I am so glad to have you back on this board, it is an interesting community, ain't it? I know, how awesome it is that most of us are still here after all these years? And by and large, things are going pretty positive for peeps here. Pinky J got to ride even less than you and I this season, but for a most fantastic reason, the girl is baking the future of the sport in her toasty oven. I have kept in touch with Capm for a few years, but haven't heard from my "soul brother" for almost a year now. Which is about the time when he finally got himself a really cool girlfriend who rides motorcycles too, so my guess is that I haven't heard from him because he is happy and doing his thing in good company?

How about you, what have you been up to?

04-05-2005, 03:50 PM
Sup Chica!

Glad to see you are in the land of the living. And sure, 22 days isn't epic, it doesn't suck either...

Not much new going on... Married, working, dreaming about buying a house, boarding a little ('round 20ish days myself), and working too much.. yes, said it twice, cause I do it too much.. But hey, you've been there too..

And no, haven't bumped into Capm this year either... Last time I saw him was early last season, but not since... Guess I could make a trip by his families brewery and ask around, but alas, that would take effort... ;)

Anyway, glad to see you back and in one piece...

04-05-2005, 05:22 PM
Wow, just like clockwork, we all come out of hiding/lurking at the same time.

So I guess I should fill you in on the inbetweens. I got married last June (he's from Colrado, so I finally got to go boarding there (copper mtn) a year ago at Christmas). We bought a house and finally moved in this past October. We live in Reno/Sparks. I got to go boarding 2 days with my mom while she was up visiting in mid January (while my snowboard pants still fit). We're due at the end of June. So the bummerest part of the whole thing is that Tahoe had a killer year and all I get to do is stare at the snow on the eastern side of the Sierra.

Glad to see you finally made it back to the board.


04-06-2005, 11:53 AM
Hey, it's a bloody reunion (virtualy speaking), so I figure why not chuck my soiled chapaue into the ring...

I'm still the same knucklehead, with the addition of a few more piercings, and I shaved my head (larger than life and twice as ugly). I'm still doing the same stuff, allthough I must complain about my snowboarding this year, as the weather sucked (and still sucks for the record). The local resorts closed with plenty o' snow on the hills, and much rain overhead. :(

I was all about to trip to TAHOE in April for some remedial riding, when I was overcome by 40 days and nights of rain here (yes, the ark is coming along nicely btw). While in a funk about the local weather, I decided to brush up on my espanol, and head further South for vacation in May (Mexico, instead o' Tahoe). Frankly, I need some sun damnit, I mean my skin is beginning to become translucent over here! Maybe it's better I didn't do TAHOE, as I hear it's still snowin there.... I can't wait till someone invents a way to snowboard in 80 degree temps!

My current occupation (not my yob you fool, I mean my latest obsession, and yes I meant to say "yob") is Capoeira, which I have been doing for about a year now, and am currently learning to balance on my head spinning, while sipping a cup o' tea, and struggling with the Portugese language in general. I have to say tho, the berimbau as a musical instrument is the shizznit.

There's a major construction effort near my neighborhood right now, so I'm about to return to mountainboarding for the first time in two years, I'll post some pics, which will no doubt end in disaster. I got some guy at work harrassing me about sellin him my kayak, so that's got me fired up to do some WW paddling soon.

It's good to hear from the old crew, it makes me want to sip some rum, and share some headbutts. Buhler...Buhler....

04-07-2005, 10:56 AM
22 days is a good amount, unless the snow was crap. I forget, what area are you in. Noknees has had a lot less days this year, but I'm sure he got more powder.
Welcome back!

04-08-2005, 09:57 AM
su darlin!

was starting to wonder where in the world you were. good to hear from you.

this was a banner year of snowboaridng for me. got in 6 days! woohoo! and 3 of those were even in the west, where there is snow worth riding. excellent. going to aim for double digits next year. maybe.

every time I play "goth-not goth", i invariably think of you. also when I play chutes and ladders I think of you, but that's for a totally unrelated reason.

I've still travelling around doing that mountainboarding thing. have all my limbs in tact, so can't quit just yet.

miss ya!
