View Full Version : Canaria -Baker

03-31-2005, 03:27 PM
looks like I'm hitting Whistler tomorrow with the gfriend....they're expecting 10 - 20cms overnight so she might be riding alone!!!!


03-31-2005, 05:44 PM
looks like I'm hitting Whistler tomorrow with the gfriend....they're expecting 10 - 20cms overnight so she might be riding alone!!!!


...should "she" expect overnight?

10 cms = 4" :p
20 cms = 8" :eek:


P.S. Have fun! :cool:

04-04-2005, 08:49 AM
some things are best measured in inches! ;)

Whistler was on!! A good foot of new snow, cold temps (was snowing horizontally up top) and not too crowded. On the other hand, was riding with her, so was mostly stuck on greens with the odd blue.....pllfft

Baker has gotten 100 inches of new snow in the past 8 days..... :(

04-04-2005, 09:14 AM
Baker has definitely made a come back. Saturday was awesome, Sunday was a little wetter and heavier but also lots of fun.

Did you make it up there Canaria?

04-04-2005, 09:34 AM
Sounds like the PNW is making a late run this year. Glad you all are finally getting some goods to ride on. Even Tahoe managed to grab another foot of fresh overnight, with maybe another 6-12" later this week... Not bad..

And Canuck, just remember it's an investment in your future snowboarding happiness. I spent a couple seasons doing the same, but once you create a powder addict with the skills to backup the desire, you are an exceptionaly happy man...

04-04-2005, 09:49 AM
from Whistler and said it was great last week. A bit foggy on Monday (2-3 foot visability) and she said it was like skiing by braile. Glad to see you all are finally getting some winter there.

Sunday was real warm here. Broke out the shorts and thongs, er, ah, flip flops. Then Mrs. T walked the yard and had a list of 20 things to do. Now comes the season of "honey-dos." Gosh I'm glad I own my own house.

04-04-2005, 11:13 AM
Check out the line for the upper chair in Alpental on Saturday morning. The only photo I took all weekend long. Shortly after this shot a call went out for "single", and there I was at the front, waiting to get on the chair with this guy from Bellevue named Travis, who made the moment memorable by missing his first chair and falling off underneath.

By the time 11:00 rolled around everything inbounds was too choppy, and everything outbounds was too prone to avalanching, so we built a kicker and fooled around for a little bit, or until I ended up overextending my right shoulder in a non-stomp faux pas.

04-04-2005, 01:40 PM
Ah the sounds of spring... You are not helping motivate me to find a house... I have enough issues managing my time. The last thing I need is to add additional chores to my list...

Pretty depressing, but I think we might actually be ale to find a little shack in ghetto that I can leverage the next 30+ years of my life for. Now if I can just clear up my sorted credit history to get the financing approved... Life was soooo much easier 15 years ago...