View Full Version : Long Time No Boarding...

03-01-2005, 12:10 PM
Hey All...

It has been a long time since I have posted here. I have stopped in when I have had time. I am glad everyone is doing well. I am about to get my first day of the season in tomorrow at Alpine Meadows. Gotta love sick days ;) I cannot f#cking wait! Life has been to crazy between work and my pending marriage to get to the mountain this season. Has anyone heard from Pinky or Capm? I am tempted to stop by the sac brewery to see if Capm is around. Anyway, I'll get some turns in for ya all tomorrow.

Bob - AKA Snafu

03-01-2005, 01:18 PM
First day tomorrow? It must be a tough year.:eek: It's just like riding a bike, right? Have fun!

03-01-2005, 09:58 PM
First day tomorrow? It must be a tough year.:eek: It's just like riding a bike, right? Have fun!

Thanks... Hopefully I will bring back a few pictures worth putting up ;)

03-14-2005, 09:32 PM
What up Bob.. it's dee... remember me ?

Still living in SF.. working in the Presidio.. I have a pass at Sierra... been going up a lot.

03-15-2005, 08:51 AM
Hey All...

It has been a long time since I have posted here. I have stopped in when I have had time. I am glad everyone is doing well. I am about to get my first day of the season in tomorrow at Alpine Meadows. Gotta love sick days ;) I cannot f#cking wait! Life has been to crazy between work and my pending marriage to get to the mountain this season. Has anyone heard from Pinky or Capm? I am tempted to stop by the sac brewery to see if Capm is around. Anyway, I'll get some turns in for ya all tomorrow.

Bob - AKA Snafu

Have fun out there! Get some pics. I for one can't mock you, since I haven't slid at all this season. :o

When are the nuptials?

03-15-2005, 08:53 PM
What up Bob.. it's dee... remember me ?

Still living in SF.. working in the Presidio.. I have a pass at Sierra... been going up a lot.

Wuz up dee... How could I forget ya. You watched me bruise my ribs on my first kicker ;) I am working in the presidio myself. We should grab lunch or something. Mail me at krb740 @ yahoo.com.

03-15-2005, 08:58 PM
Have fun out there! Get some pics. I for one can't mock you, since I haven't slid at all this season. :o

When are the nuptials?

D day for the numptials is october 8th. We are saving cash and doing the planning. Get out there if you can. I felt so much better after going. I hope to get another sick day in soon :) I have some pics but they are to f'ing large to upload. Looks like I need to bust out my useless photoshop skills ;)

03-15-2005, 09:09 PM
Have fun out there! Get some pics. I for one can't mock you, since I haven't slid at all this season. :o

When are the nuptials?

Lets see if this works.... Should be My Fiance and myself at the top of roundhouse chair at Alpine Meadows.

03-16-2005, 07:59 AM
Lets see if this works.... Should be My Fiance and myself at the top of roundhouse chair at Alpine Meadows.

I see you got yerself one of them snowboarding wimminfolk, eh? And a cute one, too. ;) Smart choice.

I am trying to get on the mountain soon. Been doing the delayed-gratification thing, trying to get my bizniz flowin'.

Glad you had a good time. More sick days are def in order...I hear that Asian bird flu is going around. ;)

03-22-2005, 06:04 PM
Yup, I'm still around. Just mostly lurking now and then when my work schedule permits. Been doing the domestic thing the past year or two. I got married last June, we moved into our new house in Oct. Maybe you'll beat my whopping two day season that ended the day after it started. That was back in January. That was when I could still fit into my boarding pants. Now my belly is too big :) Hopefully by osmosis, those two days of riding will help create the next generation's future half pipe champ. But we won't know for sure for at least a couple of more years. Right now it feels as if I'm harboring an up and coming soccer star.


03-23-2005, 06:54 AM
Congrat's on the full belly... Awesome news... Definitely embraced the domestic roll 100%, didn't you? Makes for a reasonable excuse for such a short season...

03-23-2005, 08:44 AM
Yup, I'm still around. Just mostly lurking now and then when my work schedule permits. Been doing the domestic thing the past year or two. I got married last June, we moved into our new house in Oct. Maybe you'll beat my whopping two day season that ended the day after it started. That was back in January. That was when I could still fit into my boarding pants. Now my belly is too big :) Hopefully by osmosis, those two days of riding will help create the next generation's future half pipe champ. But we won't know for sure for at least a couple of more years. Right now it feels as if I'm harboring an up and coming soccer star.

Congrates on the beer belly, let me know if you want it to be a soccer star. Do you know who the dad is?

Kiddin, congrates on the jungen.

03-23-2005, 09:18 AM
Or something like that.

Congrats! PinkyJ and the Pinkette(s) -- I hope the baby is a girl -- you'll have the makings of a girl-group right there.

03-23-2005, 09:28 AM
Yup, I'm still around. Just mostly lurking now and then when my work schedule permits. Been doing the domestic thing the past year or two. I got married last June, we moved into our new house in Oct. Maybe you'll beat my whopping two day season that ended the day after it started. That was back in January. That was when I could still fit into my boarding pants. Now my belly is too big :) Hopefully by osmosis, those two days of riding will help create the next generation's future half pipe champ. But we won't know for sure for at least a couple of more years. Right now it feels as if I'm harboring an up and coming soccer star.


Woohooooo Pinky J!!!! Those are such fantastic news, congratulations girl!!
As a fellow boarder-mom, I know it ain't always easy to get mountain time, but it only gets better with time. Enjoy it! :D

03-24-2005, 01:52 PM
Well we know we're having a boy. He's due at the end of June.

It was just my luck that one of the best seasons since I started boarding is the year that I have to sit back and watch the eastern sierra stay white. Just over the past several days most resorts are reporting 6-24 inches. Chains or snows have been required over Mt Rose and by Kirkwood. Oh well, I guess my luck could be worse (Mark, hang in there).

Keep posting all those great pics. I'm living vicariously these days.

If all you guys that just got/are planning on getting married have kids anytime soon, we'll have to start a SBR jr. site ;)

Thanks again,

03-25-2005, 08:47 AM

seems like everytime I hear or see you, something big in your life is happening, I remember and I hope you do to! The time I meet you, your sister and mom at Hood , by the way does your mom still ride? I guess now I should be asking does grand ma board? tee hee.... Then after that I saw you in SacTown and had the privledge to meet the future Mr. PJ..... remember hearing about you getting your Pharmacy Lisc. and now the storks going to be paying a visit.... Wow... how cool is that....

By the way my neighbor Vanessa who used to work with you in Sac Town says Hi!

I don't know if you remember me mentioning that I had a kid a few years back, that was when I could slip away and ride alot, thats all changed now! I now have two boys, Sean who is now 6 yrs old & Ryan is 8 mo's old . Sean is playing T-Ball, I help by being an assit.coach, leaves me with little time for boarding since the games are on Sat and I have my hands full baby sitting.... I too must pull a Sick day like snafu to ride the goods. I guess we'll have to start the jr SBR site for sure...
Again Congratulations on starting a family!


03-25-2005, 10:25 AM
You should drop the kids off at the pool, then go shredding.

03-25-2005, 03:43 PM
Congrats Jerel. Things have been really jumping for you over the last couple of years. Hope you have continued success in the various facets of your life. Be sure to show us some pics after the big day!

03-28-2005, 03:23 PM
in fact I took it easy riding with her the two days I went in January. So she gets 3-4 days in a year. It will be weird having 3 generations out on the slopes one day in several years or so. You need to get your kids into boarding, then all of you can go together - put them in a lesson and go have some fun yourself on the more challenging terrain.


03-29-2005, 07:21 AM
It will be weird having 3 generations out on the slopes one day in several years or so. It's great to ride with the grandparents. This year our oldest has skied with her Granddaddy quite a few times. In fact, I think she is faster! Good luck with the pregnancy.