View Full Version : Weekend at Kirkwood, didn't suck...

02-23-2005, 10:53 AM
Last wednesday through about Monday most of Tahoe picked up around another 4 feet of snow. Definitely not the driest fluff around, but fun none-the-less.

I hit Kirkwood with my wife and some coworkers Sat-Mon... Good times were had by all..

And about those holiday crowds, I think the photos speak for themselves..




My wife. I think she likes the snow...

02-23-2005, 11:14 AM
your wife can carve it up huh?!

-nice to see somebody is riding this season

02-23-2005, 12:16 PM
Yah, she had a blast. Every day out she keeps getting better and better... She was bummed Monday because her body gave out before the powder did...

As for getting some riding in, yah, I hear ya. Can't relate, but I hear ya... The PNW has definitely pulled a no-show on the snow fall totals this year... Kirkwood has already hit their season avrg of 500+ inches of snowfall.. Guess ya need to get your riding in on something other than snow... I'm sure you'll figure something out.. ;)

02-23-2005, 04:37 PM
I had wonderful timing again for this storm. I had to leave on sunday & came back last night. Good thing there's still plenty of pow at the Heave.Tried riding, but the clouds made visibility impossible. Wish I could've made it up to the wood on sunday. Funny thing is that I think you've ridden more pow this year with a job than you did last year. Nice pics, I hate you also, fargin bastage.

02-23-2005, 05:32 PM
Sad thing is, you might be right about the pow. Definitely an "above average" pow year for a weekend warrior...

Sorry about the timing, was hoping to get some turns in with ya. Haven't crossed paths in the snow since Oct/Nov?

Bumped into AC on Sunday I think it was.. He was up riding with Lance... Just hung for a chair, and they were off...

Rich was supposed to come up on Sat, then on Mon, but couldn't make either day... Kids, then sick...

More snow for me I guess...

Anyway, hope to see you for a day up in Donner for the Splitfest?

02-23-2005, 08:29 PM
Crap, is that this weekend?

02-24-2005, 08:24 AM
Naw, the following weekend.. Dates are floating around here somewhere... I'm not sure how my out of shape, overweight, flatland oxygen sucking self is going to keep up with those guys all weekend, but I'll give it a try...

BTW, think it was last week or so I was watching the snowboarding world championships or something and saw your young flying Flow Fins kicking some booty in the halfpipe and big air... Nice showing... Those guys don't suck..

02-24-2005, 09:05 AM
Naw, the following weekend.. Dates are floating around here somewhere... I'm not sure how my out of shape, overweight, flatland oxygen sucking self is going to keep up with those guys all weekend, but I'll give it a try...

BTW, think it was last week or so I was watching the snowboarding world championships or something and saw your young flying Flow Fins kicking some booty in the halfpipe and big air... Nice showing... Those guys don't suck..

Yeah, we are very happy about the Fins. They've won the last 5 contest.
World Champ Pipe & Big Air
Both Pre-Olympic Qual(Annti-1st/Risto-2nd & then Risto 1st/ Annti 2nd)
4th Vail Session-Miikka not the other guys
Risto couldn't even walk at the X-games, still pulled back to back 10's in the practice session. He might be a little better than Annti,think Annti-Finch combo, then you get Risto. Scotty Lago was 3rd behind in White & Kass at the last contest till he crashed. If that kid ever decides to ride pipe then he can compete with the big boys. He is though the current World 1/4 Champ, not sure about the contest. You have to jump over a fire pit while drunk locals throw beer at you on your run in to the 1/4pipe. I think they just claim the name of World Championships. So the Team is doing great,still the Xgames & the Olympics are the ones you have to win, nobody cares about the rest.