View Full Version : "Screen shopping"?

11-29-2004, 12:24 PM
So Burton has this whole new "create your own customized board graphic" line now called <a href="http://www.burton.com/series13/Default.asp"> Series 13 </a>. I am not in the market for a new board right now, but it's kinda fun to play around witht the interactive board builder/designer program. Unfortunately, it didn't appear to me, to be all that customized in the graphics area, as you can basically simply choose from the pre-selected graphic options... anyway, just an easy way to kill some time until the snow decides to stick around.

11-29-2004, 12:28 PM
I wanna send my brother a snowboard for his birthday, so he can take it on his snowboarding trip to the Alps later in December, does anybody here have any recommendation for the best way to deliver a snowboard from Seattle to London?

Thanks in advance!

11-29-2004, 12:42 PM
Here's my first, a 152 Custom X with a cute pink/baby blue argyle theme. I'd rock it.

11-29-2004, 12:49 PM
Pink argyle. I can just picture you carrying that thing tucked under your arm, scowling and looking all bad-ass. Heh heh.

Welcome back to the message board, btw!

Canaria, the best way to get the board to your brother is to have it hand delivered. By moi. Duh! :p

11-29-2004, 12:54 PM
Canaria, the best way to get the board to your brother is to have it hand delivered. By moi. Duh! :p

...just not very cost efficient, huh? :p

11-29-2004, 01:01 PM
Pink argyle. I can just picture you carrying that thing tucked under your arm, scowling and looking all bad-ass. Heh heh.

Welcome back to the message board, btw!

Thanks Liz! Perhaps the pink argyle is a little too macho? ;)

11-29-2004, 01:24 PM
Thanks Liz! Perhaps the pink argyle is a little too macho? ;)

Yes, perhaps something more genteel is in order; say, a taupe fleur-de-lis?

11-30-2004, 01:26 AM
If you have the board already in your quiver over in Seattle, and want to send him one, there aint no cheap way to do it. I'd recommend Fedex. (UPC messes up too many times)

If you buy him a board online and give his adress for delivery then blue tomato is your best choice. Austrian based service, so no icky import taxes and all that.
blue-tomato.at (http://www.blue-tomato.at/shop/frameset.asp?LanguageID=2)

I wish I had a sister like that!
If you do come to the alps, give me a holler. I am not promising anything, as all the money I make must go back into paper, wood, paint, frames, and not to forget a new computer that doesn't freeze luke f** all the time but maybe I'll sell some more then I expect and won't be able to hold out on my ever increasing snow fever......

I wanna send my brother a snowboard for his birthday, so he can take it on his snowboarding trip to the Alps later in December, does anybody here have any recommendation for the best way to deliver a snowboard from Seattle to London?

Thanks in advance!

11-30-2004, 03:53 AM
Here's something you might try. If you are paying for the deck with a credit card, debit card, or some other e-cash type transaction, just buy it from a shop your brother can pick it up from in Europe. I did it once with a mountain bike. My cousin in Frankfurt wanted this sweet new Fisher, but I couldn't afford both the bike and shipping. So the guy at my LBS tells me to just order it from the Fisher dealer in Frankfurt and pay for it with card. I did that and saved like $350. It's just a thought :) But as far as already having the deck and trying to send it... good luck!! Everything is so expensive in the overseas shipping category today!!