View Full Version : ok, so who is this??

10-19-2004, 03:01 PM
any guesses? Oh, and don't cheat and look at properties because that will give it away.
this means you Tantrum.

10-19-2004, 06:17 PM
But it looks like Canaria. What do I win?

10-20-2004, 10:35 AM
Awww, that is so sweet of you... funny enough, I've been thinking about you too, I'm not sure if you remember when I said a long time ago that you reminded me of Jon Stewart from The Daily Show, well, with the current political nuttiness in full gear south of your border, he's been rebel rousing and making me proud, absolutely hillarious! :D
"I had a great weekend. What did I do on Friday, called a guy a dick on national TV"

I know this is a snowboard forum, but I wan't to lure Ripz out of the shadows, I know the guy is my political nemesis but he has me worried: while I was in the Canary Islands this summer, there were some news of a US citizen, resident of Switzerland, who was taking windsurfing lessons in the islands and had gotten lost in the ocean, dissapeared. Now, I don't think it was our friend Ripz, but seen his long absence, I'm starting to wonder... :confused:

So here it goes, newsflash: I'm so worried about the coming election in the US, that I haven't had much of a chance to think about snowboarding yet, hence my fleeting presence on this forum, as a matter of fact, I have not even purchased my season pass, just in case I have to flee the country after Nov. 2... lol! :p Honestly, I feel the matters at hand are so serious, that pondering about opening days seems entirely irrelevant to me at this point. On the positive side, the excrutiating wait of prior fall seasons, is not an issue (so far) for me this year. How many here are going to vote?

10-20-2004, 11:46 AM
I'm definitely going to vote. Although I'm having trouble plowing through all our local/state props... Just need to make more time for them... Soo much $#!t to wade through to get to the goods...

Some of my family are frustrating me though. The person I really need to sit down and talk with is my unkle. Not that I need to change his mind or anything like that, but he's an extremely intelligent man with waaaaaaaay more knowledge in areas that I will never have access to. And he has a different viewpoint on the big issues at hand than I (re el presidente). His background is this: retired Airforce Colonel. Worked in the Pentagon as an assistent to the Airforce chief of staff among many other things that most of us civilians will never know about. Anyway, bright guy from a completely different background than me. So I'm trying to get some time with him to hash out some issues I have...

But yah, I'm voting...

10-20-2004, 12:32 PM
Very cool that you're open-minded enough to talk with your uncle. I like reading opposing points of view to check my head, too. I only wish online debates could remain more civil, and not degenerate into hissy-fights and name-calling. Bleccch!

Those state/local measures require a lot of reading, you're absolutely right. I'm wading through them slowwwwly. Some of the extremist, crackpot arguments pro/con are hilarious, though.

But more often than I'd like to admit, the "correct" choice just isn't clear to me, so I end up voting against a measure just to preserve the status quo. :confused: I figure better no new legislation, than poor legislation... :(

10-20-2004, 02:11 PM
Tell it to Beaver, I mean, Ahnold, apparently he got no sex for 14 days from his wife due to their contrarian political views... LOL!!

I hear you about online debates, it's like Jerry Springer invited over all the crackpots for a political brawl, however, I must admit there are a few out there that I like.

I can't vote (talk about taxation without representation), but at least I pestered all my friends/in-law family/coworkers enough to get them all registered, and ready to vote, most of them for the first time in their life. Let's just hope it counts! :rolleyes:

10-20-2004, 02:55 PM
Planning my vote (CO) to coincide with the drive to Utah.

Apparently Ripz moved to Iraqi for some trucking job, that’s where the moneys at nowadays.

.actually seen his name around, bad me.

10-20-2004, 03:23 PM
Opening day at A-Basin. They're open on Friday!:D

10-20-2004, 03:49 PM
You really have to love a good debate with people you care about, especially if they are coming from a TOTALLY different viewpoint than yours. I had one of those last week with two of my brightest friends...and was shocked at first to find them on the 'other side of the isle'. An hour of so of discussion and I could see their viewpoint, it differed entirely from my own...and none of us changed our minds, but it did give me pause enough to consider the other sides opinions. Prior to which I simply thought all Bush votes were cast by people of somewhat questionable cranial wattage. Now I can see that they are people of conviction, simply coming from a different viewpoint. I could not have swayed their opinion even if I wasn't drinking so much at the time. :p

All of that said, if Bush wins...I'm moving to Asia. After snowboard season of course.... :D It's been snowing like mad up there. I'M READY!!!!!


10-20-2004, 04:54 PM
I was starting to think that maybe you had been called up to go. I'm happy to read that you are still amongst us and stoked to ride!

My next door neighboor hasn't been so lucky, he is North of Baghdad as we speak. It's totally surreal, we would join our backyards in the summer for BBQs of yummy Filipino food, he would let me take his kayak on camping trips... a very generous guy! I know he went with his heart in the right place, but talking to his sister and wife (who has a newborn baby), he is not so sure anymore, but now there is no turning back. While I don't believe much in deities, you better believe I pray he comes back in one piece, and a relatively sane mind... :(

While on that subject, I have more faith in the capacity to carry this out successfully from a man who actually knows what frontline combat is like, than from someone with the audacity to scream "Bring it on!" while hiding behind a desk in Washington. The other day I saw the most appropriate bumper sticker: "Kerry Sucks Less"

OK, now let the pummeling begin...

10-20-2004, 09:43 PM
Kerry sucks less. LOL, yeah that's accurate. I don't buy into his assurance that he won't raise taxes. Nor do I buy into 90% of his other claims. On the other hand, I don't buy into the Bush propaganda and I do believe Bush's supreme court appointee (someone who likely would be there for the majority of my life) will be based more on his religious viewpoints than I would like. Talking about abortion's religious morality while bombing another country on the off chance they 'might' pose a threat in the future...well, I find that a bit hypocritical. Sadam's health is failing now, what if we had not invaded and he had simply died of natural causes? I also wonder how he justifies Iraq when places like Tibet still scream for assistance. Why guard the oil the moment we hit the sand and not guard the arms and ammo supplies?

Although, in my heart, I am likely more of a republican than a democrat...the things that I agree with the democrats about are things that affect me more. Yeah, taxes are likely to go up...that is what democrats do. But they also balance the budget and take us off the republican "CHARGE IT" mentality. Sure, low taxes are great but if we go trillions in debt because of it, who is the hero?

In the end, I vote democrat because of the supreme court and my desire to keep religion completely and totally out of politics...and the fact that George Bush just does not seem presidential to me. He's to much of the common man. He is not a shining example of an american, not that Kerry is...but Kerry at least carries himself in a presidential way.

He can run but he caint hide. Wanted dead or alive posters. And my all time favorite was the photo op of Georgie walking around in his jeans and 40 square inch belt buckle. The president is supposed to be our brightest, our best, the role model for our children. George embarrasses me as an american. He is just...well....common.

I'm voting tomorrow since I will be in florida for 10 days starting the end of next week. I hate to write a party a blank check, but voting D across the board. Bush was handed a surplus when he took office, I want us back on that track. I guess in fairness I have to say that a lot of his financial bad luck wasn't his fault with 9-11 and all...but a tax cut for the rich?


10-21-2004, 01:34 PM
Ok, so this is maybe a bit over the top, but not entirely wrong?

The Bush-Kerry Conundrum
The Only Choice is the War Party

Russian President Vladimir Putin has a point. Democrats have "no moral right" to criticize Bush for invading Iraq. Why? Because they were gung-ho about invading Yugoslavia. Putin made the comment at the G8 neolib feast on Sea Island, Georgia.

Democrats, of course, are attacking Bush because they want John Kerry in the White House next year. Kerry says he will continue Bush's failed policy in Iraq with the notable exception that he would "internationalize" the mess and ask Europeans to help out in the murder of Iraqi freedom fighters and innocent civilians.

Turn Democrats upside down and they look like Republicans. Most of them voted for Bush's invasion. Most of them believe killing Iraqis will return the sort of results the neocons had in mind when they lied their way into the invasion. Most of them are responsible for war crimes. Most of them should be standing alongside Bush and his neocons rabble in the docket at the Hague.

How soon we forget.

Clinton attacked Yugoslavia. He ordered the bombing of civilian targets -- homes, roads, farms, factories, hospitals, bridges, churches, monasteries, columns of refugees, TV stations, office buildings -- and killed a "few thousand random civilians for good measure, and thus weakening the will of the population to resist, so that they would submit to NATO occupation," as David Ramsay Steele summarizes. By attacking Yugoslavia Clinton and the Democrats basically laid the groundwork for Bush and the neocons: For Clinton and the Democrats, it is perfectly acceptable to attack other nations -- this is not a Republican proclivity -- even if they pose no threat to the United States or anybody else. The United Nations does not need to be consulted.

Neolibs believe they possess the moral authority -- the neocon faction like to call it "moral clarity" -- to murder anybody and everybody who stands between them and oil, minerals, rainforests chock full of lumber, and "natural monopolies," that is publicly owned power grids, railroads, telecoms, schools, hospitals, and even aquifers of fresh water. On this Democrats and Republicans are in agreement.

The American people only need be lulled to sleep. Or exposed to a pantheon of spine-chilling demons. It's easy to frighten children with scary stories. Halloween can be easily rescheduled to June or December or March. Freddy Kruger Hussein or Chuckie Slobodan Milosevic are trotted out on cue. Booga booga. Arab cave dwellers with satellite phones want to kill your first born.

Clinton sounded like Bush when he said, "[Hussein's] regime threatens the safety of his people, the stability of his region, and the security of all the rest of us. Some day, some way, I guarantee you, he'll use the arsenal. Let there be no doubt, we are prepared to act."

Surely, there is no doubt. Republicans and Democrats are into mass murder and theft.

In 1998 Senate Democrats passed Resolution 71, which gave Clinton the authority to "take all necessary and appropriate actions to respond to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end it's weapons of mass destruction programs," in other words the authority to attack the people of Iraq who were suffering under years of brutally imposed sanctions. On December 16, 1998, Clinton attacked Iraq. Prior to this he bombed Sudan and Afghanistan. Clinton and the Democrats showed Bush and the Republicans how to go about violating the Constitution and international law.

Peas in a pod. Birds of a feather.

Putin is correct -- the Democrats have no right to criticize Bush. Junior is simply doing what the Democrats did in Yugoslavia, Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Only difference is the president is a Republican, not a Democrat. It is this fact that really irritates Democrats. Not an illegal war on the people of Iraq.

Democrats are going after Bush because they want Kerry in the White House next year. Democrats are pissed because they lost the last time they played musical chairs. Bush rigged the game, but that does not seem to bother them a whole lot. Democrats would do the same, given half the chance. It's just that the Democrats are a few cents short in the viciousness department.

Clinton wanted us to believe he was a nice guy as he killed Serbian school children and Iraqi grandmothers. Republicans don't care what you think. God told Bush what to do. He doesn't especially care if you like him or not. It's not about popularity. It's about who can secure the planet for neolib digestion.

So, in November, you can vote for a Republican warmonger or a Democrat warmonger. Oh, you can vote for Ralph Nader on principle, or not vote at all, but the forgone conclusion is that the War Party will be in the White House -- either Republican or Democrat flavor, no difference -- for another four years. Meanwhile, the neoliberal war against Islam and the third world will continue. The Wall Street neolibs may get a new CEO, but the game plan will remain essentially unchanged. It's all about management style -- the charter remains rock solid.

We have little choice but to sit back and watch the empire crumble. It may take a year, or it may take 20, but sooner or later the empire will disintegrate -- as all empires eventually do. In America, the criminally insane rule and the rest of us, or the vast majority of the rest of us, either do not care, do not know, or are distracted and properly brainwashed into acquiescence.

If Bush gives you heartburn, you can, as Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt suggested, always change the channel. Everybody Love Raymond is a short skip, hop, and a jump away. Laugh tracks effectively narcotize the public. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Four more years -- and then the countdown to destruction.

In Rome, the people watched gladiatorial combat in the Colosseum. In America, we watch it on CNN and Fox. In Rome, the Praetorian Guard eventually decided who would rule. In America, the new Praetorian Guard -- a marriage of convenience between corporations and the Pentagon -- decide who will rule. In Rome, the throne was sold off to the highest bidder. In America, the bidders are all neoliberal rich people.

Choose your suit: Democrat or Republican cut.

Makes no difference.

10-21-2004, 02:17 PM
any guesses? Oh, and don't cheat and look at properties because that will give it away.
this means you Tantrum.

He snowboards, ya know?


10-21-2004, 02:28 PM
And he kite surfs too!

Sorry, but Bush cannot even balance a Segway... :D

10-21-2004, 03:05 PM
Yeah bro, but does he ride Never summer? Could he hang with the Denver crowd when we turn it up and point em down the hill? He looks a bit tall and gangly to me, my money says he can't even ride switch.


10-21-2004, 03:53 PM
And from I heard, he endo's endlessly in good powder... But hey, who are we to criticize a fellow boarder? If he wins he'll be on the east coast and won't have to worry as much about powder.. ;)

I do like the idea of having an Air Force 1 chopper to go heli-boarding with... Nice....

10-22-2004, 08:22 PM
I would have to say that was probably the best speech i read on this board Canuck. Thanks.

10-23-2004, 07:53 AM
Christian leader faults Bush on Iraq deaths

Suzanne Goldenberg
Thursday October 21, 2004
The Guardian

Suzanne Goldenberg

George Bush suffered an embarrassing rebellion in the ranks yesterday when the founder of the conservative Christian Coalition said the White House had dismissed the very idea of US casualties in Iraq during the run-up to the war.

In an interview with CNN, the movement's founder, Pat Robertson, described a conversation with Mr Bush shortly before the war in which Mr Robertson voiced his fears for American troops, and suggested it was time to prepare the country for loss.

"I warned him about this war. I had deep misgivings about this war, deep misgivings. And I was trying to say, 'Mr President, you had better prepare the American people for casualties,'" Mr Robertson said. He said Mr Bush had replied: "Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties."

The rare criticism from Mr Robertson, who otherwise remains an ardent supporter of the White House, was not the only act of betrayal by those claiming proximity to Mr Bush.

Six of the president's kin have created a website called bushrelativesforkerry.com dedicated to the defeat of their famous relative. "Because blood is thinner than oil," the front page says. "Please don't vote for our cousin."

The six are all descendants of Mary Bush House, the sister of Prescott Bush, the founder of the political dynasty and George W's grandfather. None has had any contact with the president, although a few knew his father, the first president Bush.

They accuse their cousin of gross arrogance, a misplaced sense of entitlement, and failing to live up to Christian values.

"As much as I'd like to vote for a relative running for president, I just can't," writes Hilary House.

But the family feud, though annoying for Mr Bush, is unlikely to have anything near the impact of the criticism from a figure with Mr Robert son's influence on the Christian right.

He has voiced doubts about the war in the past, but his decision to speak out uncompromisingly now - less than a fortnight before polling day - may deliver a serious setback to a Republican election strategy that hinges on turning out the 4 million evangelical Christians who stayed at home in 2000.

The televangelist also told CNN yesterday that he wished the president would admit to making mistakes, and suggested that his frustrations had been growing.

"The Lord told me it was going to be A, a disaster, and B, messy," Mr Robertson said. "I warned him about casualties."

Reverend SC
10-25-2004, 04:36 PM
I'm not going "there".....


Who in the world "worries" about a presidential election so much that they forget about snowboarding? I mean, there's life, and there's your life. I won't try to sway any political opinions here, but I will encourage people to live their lives first, then fret over things which you have little to no control over, lest ye die young and unhappy.....

In other words, politics will always be there, so STRAP IN AND JUST RIDE!!!!!

10-26-2004, 11:03 AM
Your country is at WAR (yo, think for a minute about the seriousness of this), and yet it's citizens can afford the luxury to pretend it ain't, if they so wish (and don't forget to go shopping/riding/clipping your toenails...). Unfortunatelly for me (and many others), I know people who are in Iraq on both sides of the fence, US soldiers and Iraqi civilians, and they don't have this luxury. Each and everyday is a struggle for survival, and I am seriously concerned about their well being and future, if they are to have any. It's not "politics" in and of itself that worries me, politics is merely the system that enables the lies, the deception, the manipulation, the fear, the corruption...

My life is not politics, but my life is interconected to all these human beings that are irreparably affected by it. It rings spiritually hollow for a "reverend" to encourage us to live your life first, as if a fulfiling life could be achieved through the path of condoned selfishness. Is that the happiness you seek? Then it will be fleeting and shallow. I'm not a religious person, more of a secular humanist if you ask me, however, I can grasp the notion of a basic human connection, regardless, of nationality, race, creed... You don't have to be anything in particular to understand a person's plight, all it is required of you is that you have enough of an open mind to be receptive to their story, to wonder, to imagine what it must be like to walk a mile in their shoes.

There are times to be happy, and there are times to be concerned, when my daughter wakes me up dancing mariachis on top of my bed, I feel happy, when the sunrise turns the sky into a master piece, I feel happy, when I see snow in the mountains, I feel happy... but when I see this country violating the Geneva conventions, I feel concerned, when I see the antagonism and division, I feel concerned, when I see senseless violence, hatred and racism, I feel concerned... and it is then that I feel an obligation to stand up, and do whatever is in my power to help, however miniscule my contribution may be.

Worried or not, you may be, but I have more issues to tackle than snowflakes in my brain... and I am grateful for that.

Reverend SC
10-26-2004, 11:26 AM
To each their own. Politicians are a bunch of self-serving crooks anyway. I can't stand much of what Bush is doing nowdays, but Kerry has no clue either. But I have a kid to dress up for Halloween and a board to wax, I absolutely refuse to allow these dweebs to dictate what I concentrate on.

Concern is one thing, letting it consume you and your life is another.

Oh, and thanks for the personal attack. I guess I shouldn't have expected anything different from you. I had hoped my little (completely non-partisan) post would encourage you to enjoy what you have, to lighten the mood, but instead it sparked your ever-more predictable lashing out against anyone who is different.

Take care, I'm sure if your guy is elected, all will be rainbows. Allowing election results to dictate your mood for the next 4 years seems insane to me.

Reverend SC
10-26-2004, 11:34 AM
And am I to understand that you're not even clipping your toenails so long as Bush is in office and the US is at war? wow.....

Reverend SC
10-26-2004, 01:13 PM
It's also quite interesting that you would pass judgement on me for looking forward to the upcoming season, even in times of global turmoil. As if me living my life shows a blatant disregard for humanity.

I wonder what kind of judgement you would pass on this person:


On the surface, based upon your attack on my lifestyle, it appears as though it's another case of wanton disregard for the plight of humanity, but you tell me.....

But thanks for straightening me out......

10-26-2004, 03:44 PM
Dude, you took it entirely for what it wasn't.

First of all, you personally addressed me by quoting from my previous comment, and then asking "what kind of person...", therefore I thought you were trully asking, and therefore, I explained to you what drives me to feel this way, in no shape or form was that intended to be an "attack" (gee, did my words crash like a bomb over your roof?)... it goes to show what passes for an attack these days (bomb a country=liberation, say that sucks=attack).

Secondly, I was not judging you per se, for I can only judge myself, it is the one conscience I have to live with. But I was asking you, the way you asked me (or so I thought), however, nevermind.

Third, thanks for the links! Reminders that my life is not "consumed" by the wrongs of the world, but that I can also enjoy and appreciate the good times, as those who know me, already know. However, as you tend to missunderstand me, it is a matter of living in the moment, and at this moment where I am at, there's an important election, but no snow, should I be thinking of snow? :confused:

Oh, and Fourth, "my guy" is not going to win, "my guy" already won: Zapatero!! :D (Funny you mentioned the rainbows though, as Spain is currently legalizing gay marriages and adoption rights)

Anyway, here goes another explanation that will be entirely missunderstood and manipulated into whatever fits your rationale to lash at me. :rolleyes:

Reverend SC
10-26-2004, 04:21 PM
This part: It rings spiritually hollow for a "reverend" to encourage us to live your life first, as if a fulfiling life could be achieved through the path of condoned selfishness. Is that the happiness you seek? Then it will be fleeting and shallow sure felt like a personal attack. As if my thinking of snow instead of world affairs makes me a shallow, selfish person. If that's not the case, fine, but I'm sure you can see where I felt this was an attack on my choice to live in the here and now, enjoying my life as I see fit.

And I also found it interesting that for ME to think of snow is somehow selfish and shallow, but when YOU do it it's simply enjoying the pleasures of life. Neat the way that works out for you.

My post was an attempt to help lighten your load. Many resorts are open. A month ago, you were inquiring about Hood's opening, and I remembered that. I was merely trying to help you get back that snowy feeling. For you to come back to me with accusations of "spiritually hollow" and "selfish" was rude and hypocritical, but I suppose I should have seen it coming.

And for the record, I got ordained online to marry some friends, so you can drop the "religious right" view you have of me.

Reverend SC
10-26-2004, 04:28 PM
Oh, and kudos to Spain! I completely support gay marriage, it's one the the miriad of things Bush is screwing up on. There is NO PLACE in the US Constitution for a same-sex marriage ban. NO PLACE. IMO, this is a State issue, not a Federal issue. Let the individual states decide for themselves. The only place the Fed would be involved in the IRS, and that agency could simply allow gay couples from states that condone the practice to check the "married" box. Simple. Not a federal issue.

So congrats on that :D

10-27-2004, 07:43 AM
nice to have you guys back!!

10-27-2004, 07:47 AM
I was thinking the same thing... I guess the season has officially begun.. :)

10-30-2004, 09:50 PM
Unfortunately, there are certain topics that build walls more often than tears them down. Those are the “Religion, Politics, World Events” topics discussed in this forum have insulted, embarrassed, or disturbed other members of the snowboarding community. It is also clear that by providing a venue for issues of a highly controversial nature to be debated, a great deal of animosity has developed among members of our community. Additionally, there are members of this board who are extremely valuable resources to snowboarding, but whose participation in this type of forum has jeopardized their standing in the community.

To protect the community and in response to the issues discussed above, the administration and moderators should determined that the “Religion, Politics, World Events” should be closed and pulled from the SNOWBOARD PASSION message board. Snowboard Passion” should remain an area for general off-topic discussion as a continued service to our members, where subjects of a non-political or religious nature can be posted. Uh particularly snowboarding. If you would like to discuss these topics “Religion, Politics, World Events” with other boarders I am sure there are other sites to turn to. Hell, create your own. As always I am not trying to offend anyone it's just getting close to winter and it's hard to stay close to this board with animosity lingering in the air.

On a lighter note we are planning another 12 man RV trip to Denver from IL this Jan. Hope to see some of you soon.


11-10-2004, 02:05 AM
Well, since I'm new, I'm not going to start attacking anyones political views. But seriously, Static is right!! There is far more to life (and snowboarding) than who's in charge and why! To be honest, both had great things to be brought to the table. However, neither of them were about to open a year round resort with my name on it, so it just didn't matter! LOL!! I'm glad some people are listening more to others opinions, but since most of the issues that are controversial deal with people from far away places, it's hard to really get both sides of the story. So, unless it deals with snow, hotties, or my getting my name on my own year round resort, it just seems petty to me. And since SLC is getting fluff early this year, I'm probably headed there to try and get away from all the crazies!!

11-10-2004, 08:45 AM
hey, welcome to the board man! (assume yr male by handle).
Good perspective on the situtation, although heading to SLC to "get away" from all the crazies is open to debate no?!


11-16-2004, 12:24 PM
any guesses? Oh, and don't cheat and look at properties because that will give it away.
this means you Tantrum.

Damn I'm good! ;) Well not neccessarily, but at least the subject matter was anyway. :)

I bloody miss you goons, but I am seeing entirely too much politics being discussed and too little riding.

"Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may ride"


11-16-2004, 04:31 PM
"Eat drink and be merry, for tomorrow you may be in Utah"


11-17-2004, 09:46 AM
considering all of the snow they have received. Seriously, who needs alcohol while on the slopes?:eek:

11-17-2004, 01:51 PM
[I can't believe you wrote that dude!!

11-18-2004, 07:50 AM

Seriously. I think his post should be taken off by the administrator. That's just wrong.
