View Full Version : Posting multiple pics with intermixed text...
For anyone trying to figure out posting multiple pics WHILE ALSO USING NEXT IN BETWEEN: Right click properties of each pic on the "upload pic screen" and use the img src="pic url" (put< and > on each side of code) code for each on the post screen. Be sure that your IMG CODE is "ON" under the Posting Rules section at the screen bottom. Attach desired text in between the separate codes and you have it. IMPORTANT: BEFORE SAVING THE POST, GO BACK TO THE UPLOAD PIC SCREEN AND "REMOVE" ALL OF THE LISTED PICS SO THAT THEY ARE NOT LOADED TWICE(as attached images) INTO THE SAME POST. It is recommended that you use a term such as "pics" in your post title as there will be no camera icon next to your post.
<img src="">
<img src="">
<img src="">
02-16-2004, 10:59 AM
Is my old computer being stubborn again or did the attachments go wrong? I can't see the pics!
02-16-2004, 11:02 AM
instead of pictures.
When I was fooling around, I tried this method and it gave the same results. The image name displayed in the properties is not the image name but looks like some sort of cgi bin or something.:confused:
instead of pictures.
When I was fooling around, I tried this method and it gave the same results. The image name displayed in the properties is not the image name but looks like some sort of cgi bin or something.:confused:
The pics are visible on my end. I'll see if I can figure out why not everyone can see them Perhaps only the poster can via this method? Tantrum, I can see your reply to Ripz about your fav pic out of the ones he posted. It's not an attached image, so did you img code it or what? Anyone else see anything?
02-16-2004, 02:08 PM
Tantrum, I can see your reply to Ripz about your fav pic out of the ones he posted. It's not an attached image, so did you img code it or what? Anyone else see anything?
Looked at the properties, then used the insert image buttion<img src=""> and inserted its location.
I looked again and it appears that the vbulletin board holds the image in a bin, then uploads the image once you hit submit post. At this point, it gets a difinitive filename and not a temporary one. I don't know.
Looked at the properties, then used the insert image buttion<img src=""> and inserted its location.
I looked again and it appears that the vbulletin board holds the image in a bin, then uploads the image once you hit submit post. At this point, it gets a difinitive filename and not a temporary one. I don't know.
I had typed the same code that the button uses, so I got rid of that code and went with the standard "img src" code. Anything visible now?
02-16-2004, 08:14 PM
can anyone else see MARK's pictures?:(
This time rather than typing any code I simply used the image button, although it's the same as I had initially typed. Anything visible here? How about the first post?
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View 3
02-17-2004, 12:15 AM
For anyone trying to figure out posting multiple pics WHILE ALSO USING NEXT IN BETWEEN: Right click properties of each pic on the "upload pic screen" and use the img src="pic url" (put< and > on each side of code) code for each on the post screen. Be sure that your IMG CODE is "ON" under the Posting Rules section at the screen bottom. Attach desired text in between the separate codes and you have it. IMPORTANT: BEFORE SAVING THE POST, GO BACK TO THE UPLOAD PIC SCREEN AND "REMOVE" ALL OF THE LISTED PICS SO THAT THEY ARE NOT LOADED TWICE(as attached images) INTO THE SAME POST. It is recommended that you use a term such as "pics" in your post title as there will be no camera icon next to your post.
still little red x's for your pics. but as you mention, i can see my pic below. i think the problem is that the url given in the "right-click properties" is not an image URL but rather a link to PHP code with does the displaying of the image. there might be something wrong with the permissions, where it will allow you to see your own pic but not others.
test with the above method using img src:
<img src=">
the uploaded pic posted normally:
Your pic is visible twice, as both a standard and attached image. As in your example, it appears that the only way to post multiple pics while using text in between is to not remove them from the upload screen, but this posts the pics twice as both standard images and attached images. Perhaps only the user can see a pic which was removed in the upload screen(to prevent double pic posting) because it is saved in their cookies, but removed from the server? For some reason however I can see Tantrum's standard pic(as a non-attached image) in his "fav" response to your Leysin post? Seems like Tantrum just used the pic's properties and the image button. Don't know why it worked that one time.
02-17-2004, 07:38 AM
I concure with Ripz. I can't see your pictures but when I right click oneI get this for the properties:
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