View Full Version : Well hello there!
02-13-2004, 03:52 PM
Yes, you know me.
I just figured my Rebeccan days are over, now that I will be a married woman with (hopefully, we're on the lookout officially since yesterday) a house. So I got myself a new name.
New social status, new work, new life, new home, new passionboard......
all I need now is new snowboarding adventures!
I cannot say wether that will be soon, that all depends on how my work will be recieved. I got my first exhibition at the theatre building here in The hague, and the portfolio will be out shortly. exciting times!
I hope you're all having a great season! How are you all?
02-13-2004, 03:56 PM
Hi Rebecca!!
Your "rebecca" days will never be over, but I hear you on the new life thread...
Glad you found us, and I hope everything is going well with you and yours (nudge nudge)
maybe you both can come visit next Winter???
02-13-2004, 03:57 PM
Yes, you know me.
I just figured my Rebeccan days are over, now that I will be a married woman with (hopefully, we're on the lookout officially since yesterday) a house. So I got myself a new name.
New social status, new work, new life, new home, new passionboard......
all I need now is new snowboarding adventures!
I cannot say wether that will be soon, that all depends on how my work will be recieved. I got my first exhibition at the theatre building here in The hague, and the portfolio will be out shortly. exciting times!
I hope you're all having a great season! How are you all?
Hey, knock it off with all those big, positive changes in your life, wouldja? You're making the rest of us look like sea slugs. ;)
Great job on the art exhibit! And it sounds like you're on your way to street-legal domestic bliss..
But, hmm, invitation to your bachelorette party must've gotten lost in the mail? I was fully prepared to jump out of a big cake in my tight-fitting nurse's uniform. Oh, well! :p
02-13-2004, 04:02 PM
I could not believe how fast those sea slugs can locomote until I tried to catch one using only my
02-13-2004, 04:12 PM
But, hmm, invitation to your bachelorette party must've gotten lost in the mail? I was fully prepared to jump out of a big cake in my tight-fitting nurse's uniform. Oh, well! :p
Don't worry, it actually got postponed. We want also to buy a house, so we have to get a lot more in order then we initially planned. That is pretty crazy, because I can't afford it, being an artist, but the one sensible decision I made in this life was getting born to a father with not a fortune, but some pocketmoney. He helps with a house, as a downpayment on my inheritance (he has done this already with my older brother and sister, we all get about the same amount) So now my girl and I are drooling over the few houses we can afford. (We even went to view a church that was on sale! but that one was really too far gone, it had to be renovated ground up, I am not that cool, nor handy, a gal!)
So I didn't deserve these positive turns, but I can't not take the chance...
So, if you wanna join the party, no problem. With any luck, I will have room to have you all crash on the floor of my living room! (well, I wish..)
02-13-2004, 04:15 PM
Hi Rebecca!!
Your "rebecca" days will never be over, but I hear you on the new life thread...
Glad you found us, and I hope everything is going well with you and yours (nudge nudge)
maybe you both can come visit next Winter???
Yes, we can. You surely have a couch? and a fridge? And a beautiful au pair? We won't need more... :P
well, your season pass, maybe
God, I am soooo happy to live in a country where I can marry
(I can't believe I actually said that!)
02-13-2004, 04:35 PM
you definitely "deserve" every positive turn Rebecca!
-maybe you both can share my au pair's bed or something?
02-13-2004, 04:46 PM
I just don't know how long it will take me to actually call you ColdCat... it was already a leap of faith going from rebekka to rebecca :p
Congratulations are in order in so many ways!! I saw your paintings for Tantalus, and there were several pieces that blew me away, you are trully talented and I'm very proud of you for following your dreams. Now finding a cute & cozy home for love to fill every room. Well, you better believe I'll be visiting, cause I'm handy, and got my own power tools! :D When will you set a date for the wedding? Just keep us posted and LL and I will show up representing for all cake nurses of the world, you know? making sure nobody runs a fever...
Having you back on this board makes my Valientine's Day, thanks!
02-13-2004, 08:17 PM
It sounds like things are going real well for you. I am happy for you and your new bride.:D
How did the Aussie snowboard gig turn out for you?
02-14-2004, 05:06 PM
you definitely "deserve" every positive turn Rebecca!
-maybe you both can share my au pair's bed or something?
dearest canuck,
you are full with the sweetest ideas. She wouldn't mind, would she?
Thank you. stop making me blush.
02-14-2004, 05:15 PM
buenas dias, mujer!
(did I spell that right?) So you're handy, AND you got your own powertools? Consider yourself hired! paycheck includes bed and breakfast, dubious cooking, homemade lattés in the morning, indoor snowboarding gigs and some powerful hugs. How about it?
Did I make your valentine day? Ohlala! Can you imagine what your valentine's day would be like if I was really trying to woo you? *evil grin*
Wedding will probably be in the summer, end of June. Be sure to keep you posted. There won't be a wedding party (small ceremony, no big things, no reception) but there will be a housewarming party!
Which drawings blew you away? I am really curious to know...
02-14-2004, 05:18 PM
Thanks, tantrum. the aussie snowboarding gig worked out fine for me. I should get my very own designed board in the mail soon, I got my paycheck and he will hire me again for the boards of next season, which I am looking forward to.
How are you doing?
It sounds like things are going real well for you. I am happy for you and your new bride.:D
How did the Aussie snowboard gig turn out for you?
02-15-2004, 07:22 PM
I should get my very own designed board in the mail soon
Post a piccy. I think it'll complete the saga if we can see it with bindings. Better yet, how about a piccy of you doing a nice method, showing off the bottom?:D Yeah, that's it.
I'm doing well thanks.:) Work and life are treating me well, so no worries. Thanks for asking.
02-18-2004, 10:12 PM
Congrats on all the domestic bliss, it sounds exciting.
I'd like to see some of your work too! Do you have a website, or anything scanned you can post?
02-19-2004, 02:06 AM
Thank you! It is exciting indeed, looking for houses, trying to see what part of all your dreams can become reality (ok, so the white castle is out of the question.. I kinda expected that...) how to arrange that in real life and on paper... I feel like a total newbie on life again.
As for my work, you can see it at (
Welcome to the board, Firecracker. Tell us your whereabouts How is your domestic bliss? The riding?
Congrats on all the domestic bliss, it sounds exciting.
I'd like to see some of your work too! Do you have a website, or anything scanned you can post?
02-19-2004, 02:11 AM
I'll post a piccy of it on my wall... I designed the wideboard series, so I think I can only use that board (167) when it has dumped for two weeks on end...but next year I'll possibly design the whole Valhalla snowboard line....we'll see. Entered the Salomon design contest too, but with much more 'smoothed out' designs. (more pretty, less power, I think now, looking back) Will hear from that by the beginning of march or so, I presume. (two THOUSAND people participated in that contest... eek!)
You get any riding in?
Post a piccy. I think it'll complete the saga if we can see it with bindings. Better yet, how about a piccy of you doing a nice method, showing off the bottom?:D Yeah, that's it.
I'm doing well thanks.:) Work and life are treating me well, so no worries. Thanks for asking.
02-19-2004, 07:28 AM
Entered the Salomon design contest too, but with much more 'smoothed out' designs. (more pretty, less power, I think now, looking back) Will hear from that by the beginning of march or so, I presume. (two THOUSAND people participated in that contest... eek!)
I picked up a new ERA and I love the performance. However, I'd much rather have an original Coldcat gracing the bottom instead of this abstract POS.:) Oh well.
I get to ride this Monday on company time so things could be worse. I saw from Ripz that the good spots will be getting some fresh soon. Happy riding.
02-19-2004, 08:44 AM
I picked up a new ERA and I love the performance. However, I'd much rather have an original Coldcat gracing the bottom instead of this abstract POS.:) Oh well.
I get to ride this Monday on company time so things could be worse. I saw from Ripz that the good spots will be getting some fresh soon. Happy riding.
Hey, I get to ride this Monday and Tuesday on Company time!! cool!
02-19-2004, 08:45 AM
I picked up a new ERA and I love the performance. However, I'd much rather have an original Coldcat gracing the bottom instead of this abstract POS.:) Oh well.
I get to ride this Monday on company time so things could be worse. I saw from Ripz that the good spots will be getting some fresh soon. Happy riding.
Hey, I get to ride this Monday and Tuesday on Company time!! cool huh?!
02-19-2004, 09:08 AM
Hey, I get to ride this Monday and Tuesday on Company time!! cool!
D'oh, you are always one-up on me.;)
Don't you just love "working" like that? How long before you start holding meetings at the Club? I bet your attendance and punctuality improve dramtically.
02-19-2004, 09:11 AM
3 month process to be elected a just in time for the patio to open. The best part of the Yacht Club is the huge upper deck overlooking English Bay and the North Shore mountains. Apart from that the place sucks.
Well worth dropping $25K to join a bar with a deck though, don'tcha think?
02-19-2004, 09:24 AM
Well worth dropping $25K to join a bar with a deck though, don'tcha think?
I am guessing you are being sarcastic.;)
An election process? Is there any chance of you being rejected? How much is it worth to you to have me as a character witness? I can be charming and sophisticated when I want to.
OK, maybe that's not such a good idea.
02-19-2004, 09:29 AM
I am guessing you are being sarcastic.;)
An election process? Is there any chance of you being rejected? How much is it worth to you to have me as a character witness? I can be charming and sophisticated when I want to.
OK, maybe that's not such a good idea.
Being a bit sarcastic, but unlike other clubs (I still belong to the Royal Canadian Yacht Club in Toronto for example) there aren't things like a pool, tennis courts, fitness facility, etc....what it does have is an awesome network of "out stations", docks, etc spread out around Vancouver and the Gulf Islands. You can cruise from one to the other, and moor there for free, and have a guaranteed space waiting for you... nice.
Only chance of being rejected is if the credit check goes poorly. With all my debt I should pass easily?!!
02-19-2004, 09:40 AM
Now I can see why you are so keen on getting a boat.
02-19-2004, 09:59 AM
Now I can see why you are so keen on getting a boat.
girls like boats too
02-19-2004, 07:40 PM
Thank you! It is exciting indeed, looking for houses, trying to see what part of all your dreams can become reality (ok, so the white castle is out of the question.. I kinda expected that...) how to arrange that in real life and on paper... I feel like a total newbie on life again.
As for my work, you can see it at (
Welcome to the board, Firecracker. Tell us your whereabouts How is your domestic bliss? The riding?
I like it! I am no professional art critic but I do enjoy art. I'm untalented at visual arts, though I attempt some poetry occasionally. Would like to write novels someday. Am trying to make a living as a freelance journalist, but aside from a couple of feature stories in Transworld Motocross, it's not moving along so well.
Thanks for the welcome. I live in Spokane, on the east side of Washington state. I have no domestic bliss--just me and my roommate who's rarely home, and when she is her crazy Renaissance Faire/theater friends. I have a wonderful boyfriend but we are not going to try cohabitation yet.
The riding here is probably good. I have not ridden near home yet. My SO is a hardcore skiier (will be attending a clinic this weekend at Schweitzer with Glenn Plake and Evan something) and he says the snow is just ok. He grew up in Fairbanks, AK so he is spoiled about snow anyway. We have 5 hills to choose from near town, and 3 of them are cheap, so I will be getting out more now that I know I might survive the experience.
Sorry, didn't mean to hijack your thread!
02-20-2004, 11:13 AM
Threads get hijacked all the time around here, don't feel guilty returning the favour. :) :)
Glad you like my site. I hear you on the freelance pains. I am currently a freelance illustrator/artist myself, but paid commissions are still few and far between. I reckon I'll be busy building a circle of possible commisioners/ buyers and portfolio for the coming two years at least before there will be any structural income to speak of. I'll have to hold on, hold on, and hold on some more.
Actually not unlike snowboarding!
Do you have some of your work displayed somewhere? I am a sucker for poetry!
02-20-2004, 11:56 AM
Which drawings blew you away? I am really curious to know...
I figured I actually would sit down viewing your site, pen in hand and tell you which pieces moved me the most. For starters, I loved the way you externalized the complexities of pain and betrayal, my perception was that by removing excessive detail and focusing on the emotions the moment conveyed, that you trully succeeded at prompting a visceral reaction from the viewer, I don't think anyone could look at your paintings and feel indifferent, that's for sure.
I really liked the "Tribunal of Delphy" and most of the chorus paintings, like "Chorus in Thrace", "Priam & Chorus" and "Kassandra & Chorus" (excellent!). "Chorus in the rain" is a pretty intense painting... I also loved the vibrant energy and colors of "Odysseus text", "Klytaemnestra text", "Agamemnon & Klytaemnestra" and "Neoptolemos & Priamos". Really good work, which pieces were selected by the theater?
02-20-2004, 02:13 PM
I ask this question of most people I talk to regarding my work, because i am curious to see what 'ticks' people (beyond the obvious) Funny thing is, everybody chooses different favourites all the time. There is not one drawing that has been chosen consequently by most of the people i ask.
Currently displayed at the theatre are ten pieces:
Agamemnon text, Klytaemnestra text, Menelaus, Odysseus, Priam full colour, Chorus in the rain, Kassandra and chorus, Neoptolemos and Priam, Hekabe and the tribunal of Delphi.
So you see, your tastes run along nicely with the art directors' tastes!
02-20-2004, 11:01 PM
Do you have some of your work displayed somewhere? I am a sucker for poetry!
I have webspace but am too stupid/lazy to make use of it. I don't write code and it's time consuming and irritating to use an editing program. Much easier to make friends who know how write code for me, but they are all too busy.
Send me an email and I can send you some, or if everyone's interested I could post some I guess.
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