View Full Version : Our day/night with Julian at Breck
05-28-2004, 07:56 AM
So, a couple months ago Julian from the board was in town for a conference. We met up with him at Breck (one of his mornings off from the conference). Hung out at the bar for a couple hours and then convinced him to blow off the rest of his afternoon at the conference to hang with TBone and I :-D. Who could say no right?
So first we go to dinner at the Top of the World restaurant that absolutely rocks. Awesome food and amazing views of the mountains. Then we decide to get kooky. Walking down Main street asking people if they had "Mud Butt" -- LOL. Makes me laught just thinking about it. People looked as us like we were insane. It was hysterical. We bar hoped for a while and along the say there are these statues of hourses, etc. that just BECKON you to get on them (well, they didn't beckon me.....but they beckoned TBone and Julian) :). are the pics from our awesome day/night together. Not sure what order they will come up -- one if of Julian with his board on the bus back to the Free Parking lot. One is of the three of us on that same bus. Then you get the two good ones of the boys on their horses....LOL.
05-28-2004, 08:01 AM
So I don't understand....why the heck do you have a picture of him on a bus with a snowboard again??!!
05-28-2004, 08:10 AM
LOL. It was late March I think? Couple months that sounds about right. There was some very slushy snow left and he had boarded all morning. Then met us for drinks early in the afternoon, then went back out for another run or two before the lifts closed at 4. So after drinks, we got on the bus to go back to the cars, put his board up and go out!
05-28-2004, 09:06 AM
That's too funny! Julian is super-good people, easy going, and interesting conversationalist. I'm certain you guys had a great time!
By the way Bunda, I am VERY impressed that you have made your own dinning table, even if it is "Eurothaned" :D SO show us some pictures, ok?
Reverend SC
05-28-2004, 09:26 AM
Julian showed me that I'm a better boarder than I thought, but not as good as I need to be. Fun, fun time at Alpine. Can't wait to hook up again!
05-28-2004, 09:28 AM
Is Julian aka JCC??
05-28-2004, 09:42 AM
yeah, that's him!
05-28-2004, 09:46 AM
That's too funny! Julian is super-good people, easy going, and interesting conversationalist. I'm certain you guys had a great time!
By the way Bunda, I am VERY impressed that you have made your own dinning table, even if it is "Eurothaned" :D SO show us some pictures, ok?
Julian ROCKS. We had the best time. They just cracked me up getting on those horses and pretending to "ride" them. LOL! People were walking by just starring at us wondering what sorta drugs we were on.
I'll definitely post some pics of the tables!! Thanks Canaria. I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I've done minor things with wood in the past, but never really built something this substantial. I built a dining table and a buffet table that is the same length as the dining table, so that when we have 8 people we have to fit, we can just pull the buffet table up along side the dining table to create more of a square table and fit two people on each side. Now I just gotta figure out what the plan is for chairs. I'm thinking either 4 different "sets" of chairs (going along with the whole everything shouldnt match decor) or possibly getting some flea market chairs and making cushioned covers for them. We shall see.
05-28-2004, 01:49 PM
That's too funny! Julian is super-good people, easy going, and interesting conversationalist. I'm certain you guys had a great time!
By the way Bunda, I am VERY impressed that you have made your own dinning table, even if it is "Eurothaned" :D SO show us some pictures, ok?
Yeah, jcc is the coolest. Just be careful: he will leave you with a bad case of travel fever. He seems to have become the travelling ambassador of goodwill for this group!
And double-ups on building the furniture, Dr. B. Gotta love a woman who's handy with wood and tools. :p Let's see some photos of your love nest and the tables. Perhaps you can drape yourself, in a bikini, holding a power tool, over the dining room table and have T take a pic? ;) ...How's your new job, btw?
05-28-2004, 02:17 PM
Yeah, jcc is the coolest. Just be careful: he will leave you with a bad case of travel fever. He seems to have become the travelling ambassador of goodwill for this group!
And double-ups on building the furniture, Dr. B. Gotta love a woman who's handy with wood and tools. :p Let's see some photos of your love nest and the tables. Perhaps you can drape yourself, in a bikini, holding a power tool, over the dining room table and have T take a pic? ;) ...How's your new job, btw?
I like the way you think!!! I'll have to lose 10 lbs and get my tan back first ;)
I'll definitely post some pics of the tables and of the house soon. We've been doing a lot of updating to the house and have lots more to do (like say over the next 5 years!). I have Album One of before and after photos though and am just about ready to upload Album Two of updates. There are a couple more things I want to do before Album Two comes out though so I'll wait for that and then post the link to the Ofoto Albums.
New job ROCKS MY WORLD. I absolutely love my office and the people are just awesome. Way cool, funny, intelligent and laid back. This office has a really great vibe. I'm really really happy. Thanks for asking! It's funny to think that a year ago I was SO MISERABLE out in GA dealing with all that school crap.......and now I couldnt be happier. New job, new house, new fiance, living in Denver.....etc. Life is fabulous.
05-28-2004, 02:29 PM
Awww! That is awesome how you are enjoying life these days! Hard to comprehend having met your fiancee, but awesome nonetheless!!!
I'm having a look at this house tonight, mine for a mere $750,000 cdn....
crazy prices
05-28-2004, 03:12 PM
Awww! That is awesome how you are enjoying life these days! Hard to comprehend having met your fiancee, but awesome nonetheless!!!
I'm having a look at this house tonight, mine for a mere $750,000 cdn....
crazy prices
Front porch will be nice to sit on in the summer months. (Do they have "summer" in Canada?) The Volvo will look just right parked in front of that picket fence.
Lots of major purchases for you these days!
I'll be looking at buying a new saucepan this evening. Kinda pales by comparison.
05-28-2004, 04:24 PM
New job ROCKS MY WORLD. I absolutely love my office and the people are just awesome. Way cool, funny, intelligent and laid back. This office has a really great vibe. I'm really really happy. Thanks for asking! It's funny to think that a year ago I was SO MISERABLE out in GA dealing with all that school crap.......and now I couldnt be happier. New job, new house, new fiance, living in Denver.....etc. Life is fabulous.
What a difference a year makes, eh? Or more to the point, what a difference your persistence has made. Yeah, I remember when you were chewing on the leash back in GA. Way to turn it all around, girl. You've got it good, and it sounds like you're enjoying it to the hilt. Rock on! :cool:
It helps to hear how happy you are in your job. I've been very resistant to re-entering the 9-5 world. My mom and I are starting a company -- she is the best CEO ever! -- but it'll be a while before we see some scratch flowing in. So, I'm encouraged by your good example, as I'll probably be Janie Paycheck soon myself. :rolleyes:
well, what a surprise! haven't logged in for a while and saw this! good to hear from you all.
So, actually, it was around mid-April, 60 degrees out there in Breck, and believe it or not, the next day it snowed a couple of inches. Essentially it translated to dust on crust, or rather, dust on ice.
Are you still headed back to Spain, Canaria? I've been dutifully tracking down copies of Frequency for my summer fix! What's new in SoCal, LL, haven't made it there yet this year, unfortunately? Howdy Reverend!
and canuck, is the house in Vancouver? I still have this recurring dream of being able to step out of the door and have a view of downtown and those mountains.
cheers, j.c.
05-31-2004, 09:12 AM
not buying, just looking silly!!
$750K still seems like a lot of money to me....
06-01-2004, 01:46 PM
not buying, just looking silly!!
$750K still seems like a lot of money to me....
Ah, I see. I thought maybe you were trying to upstage mehug's recent home purchase.
I'm dedicating a song on my CD to his trailer. Sweet, huh?
And heck yeah, $750k is some serious scratch. Homes on my street are going for $800k and up (USD). Guy sold his freakin' *condo* next door for over a mill last year. Thank Zeus for rent control for us po' folk.
06-01-2004, 02:55 PM
that IS the best CEO!!!
i know how hard it can be to start something new, but it'll definitely be worth it!! working for yourself (which essentially is what you are doing) is the best. That's really the only thing that would be better than what i have now.
Good Luck with it all!!! And when you get the urge to head out this way...........I'll be waiting for ya with power tools and bikini (oh, and lotion ;) ).
06-01-2004, 02:57 PM
lol. T is my main squeeze. Wouldnt be the same without him. We went fishing last night!! hehe.
Those house prices are INSANE!! holy crap. House looks cute though. Same color as ours :).
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