View Full Version : Off to Whistler....

02-20-2008, 10:45 AM
Well, Canadian dollar kicking our USD butt or not, I'm headed up there to ride for the next few days... I'll be on the mountain Friday through Monday, coming back Tuesday. It'll be a bit crowded, but hey, beats sitting at home..

So, anyone have a hookup for lift tickets there? I think we'll be trying to hit up the 7-11's outside of Vancouver and Squamish, but that's all I know for discount possibilities.

I'll be breaking in a new board too... Picked up a new Flow Solitude WX, their top end Big Mountain/Freeride stick... 169cm... Should be a good replacement for my old Timeless 168... Can't wait... Just hope they get more than a couple cm's of fresh snow while there. It's been a pretty slow Frebruary up there..

Naturally, during this time, Tahoe is going to get blessed with another few feet of snow, including a possible 3 foot dump Saturday alone... Oh well, I'm sure i'll be riding dust on crust in Whistler instead... Such is life...

I'll throw up a few pics when I get back...

02-28-2008, 10:10 AM
Good times.. Didn't get too many snowboarding shots... Got some scenics and some of the skiiers I was hanging out with.

Whistler was still a lot of fun, even though they had no significant snowfall for the week or two previous to our arrival. Got a a bit of dust day one and two, but that was about it... Snow up top was still nice and cold, chalky, but nothing fluffy... Some paces were a bit scraped off, and the moguls were big and bountiful. Yep, great snowboarding conditions.. ;)

Anyway, the friends we went up with were entertaining and made for some nice camera subjects when I bothered to bring out the camera. One guy was nice enough to toss himself off the cornice along harmony ridge and let me photograph every bounce of his 300ft, 7 second journey... Nice guys, really.. The next day he switched from snowboard to skies and did a similar thing down Whistler Bowl from the top of the Peak on down, but I missed that one... Oh well...

Rode my new Flow Solitude WX the last 3 of the 4 days... A little tiring riding the bumps with a 169 all the time, but it was nice to have when bombing the groomers and bouncing through crap on some of the run-outs. Handled like a champ jump turning and carving through the more open shallower bumps. Next time I'd probably stick to my old Ride No.4 164cm board for those conditions, but I wanted to get to know this new toy... It'll be great on those mixed snow and smaller powder days in Tahoe...

Now for some photos...
Last picture for Canuck, he'd appreciate it... Yes, the service was impeccable as always...
3rd from last, yes, bad things are happening... left binding what?
Couple of Tools at the scenic overlook... Follow the arrows...
"The Point" uninterrupted by oncoming wreck.. I tried to board a good distance from these guys as they were major hazords... But fun to watch!

08-07-2008, 02:11 AM
Good times.. Didn't get too many snowboarding shots... Got some scenics and some of the skiiers I was hanging out with.

Whistler was still a lot of fun, even though they had no significant snowfall for the week or two previous to our arrival. Got a a bit of dust day one and two, but that was about it... Snow up top was still nice and cold, chalky, but nothing fluffy... Some paces were a bit scraped off, and the moguls were big and bountiful. Yep, great snowboarding conditions.. ;)

Anyway, the friends we went up with were entertaining and made for some nice camera subjects when I bothered to bring out the camera. One guy was nice enough to toss himself off the cornice along harmony ridge and let me photograph every bounce of his 300ft, 7 second journey... Nice guys, really.. The next day he switched from snowboard to skies and did a similar thing down Whistler Bowl from the top of the Peak on down, but I missed that one... Oh well...

Rode my new Flow Solitude WX the last 3 of the 4 days... A little tiring riding the bumps with a 169 all the time, but it was nice to have when bombing the groomers and bouncing through crap on some of the run-outs. Handled like a champ jump turning and carving through the more open shallower bumps. Next time I'd probably stick to my old Ride No.4 164cm board for those conditions, but I wanted to get to know this new toy... It'll be great on those mixed snow and smaller powder days in Tahoe...

Now for some photos...
Last picture for Canuck, he'd appreciate it... Yes, the service was impeccable as always...
3rd from last, yes, bad things are happening... left binding what?
Couple of Tools at the scenic overlook... Follow the arrows...
"The Point" uninterrupted by oncoming wreck.. I tried to board a good distance from these guys as they were major hazords... But fun to watch!

08-15-2008, 02:40 PM
Nice, good to see the Amsterdam is still going strong!

Starting to jones myself.... better hit the beach with the skimboard tomorrow...