View Full Version : Odd-ball, under-the-radar, mom-and-pop "resorts"

10-08-2007, 06:12 PM
OK, I know we have some wanderers, ramblers, ne'er-do-wells, and off-the-beaten-path travellers here.

Question for y'all:

What are your favorite small, goofball, eccentric places to slide on snow?

Small resorts with big personalities type of thing.

My local loves in SoCal are:

June Mountain (OK, 400 miles away, but who is counting, eh?)

Mt. Baldy (Home of the Bong Ripping Lifties, and grooming that consists of a section of chain-link fence towed behind an ATV)

Mt. Waterman (awaiting official 2007 permit status...but I can vouch for the partying capacity of the lift-ops crew)

Buckhorn Ski Club (home of the nut-cracker "lift tow"...non-members can put five bucks in the Folgers coffee can, and ride some of SoCal's best backcountry)


Any local gems in your area you are willing to share?

Thanks ~

10-09-2007, 07:59 AM
It's all I got!


10-09-2007, 10:47 AM
Mt. Baldy from the 10 with all of the smog.:p

10-09-2007, 07:57 PM
Arapahoe Basin!

Party on the beach!


10-10-2007, 06:51 PM
Arapahoe Basin!

Party on the beach!

TA-Basin opened today? 18" of fresh man-made in 64 degree weather. The beach must have been kickin'.

10-11-2007, 10:24 PM
A-Basin opened today? 18" of fresh man-made in 64 degree weather. The beach must have been kickin'.

Had to have been because hour long lift lines for one run when everything around you besides that run is green and mass carnage with the newbies and seasoned pros on the hill will drive a dude or dudette to drink! :)

Gotta get our passes!