View Full Version : Gray, snowy photos...

02-14-2007, 08:43 AM
A few random shots from the weekend at Kirkwood... Sorry, no action shots...:cryin: Mostly riding solo.

First shot is the little play area under "Norm's Nose" traversed to from Reut. Nice place to hit while waiting for upper mountain to open. Anyway, Rich, this is that little rock drop just past/right of the center right 'pole'. The bigger jump was built on the barely visible hip just left of center. The rest of the shots are the chutes under the "Sister Chutes" in Wagon Wheel bowl between "The Wall" and "Cornice". The last shot is of my wife chillin..

Nothing too exciting to look at, but a lot of fun to ride in!

02-15-2007, 06:34 PM
where's the pillow line?

02-16-2007, 10:15 AM
No real pillow lines.. Closest things were 2 and 3, which were a couple single soft spots to gap and bounce off. From above on shot 3 I thought it was going to be more fun, but that pow covered rock down right pretty much disintegrated on impact... Still fun, but somehow I visualized more...

Did you and Condro get out and enjoy the goods? Was expected to hear and see some great things from you guys!

02-16-2007, 11:08 PM
Yeah, hit up Boreal afternoon/night sesh on friday and then Sugar Bowl on saterday. The light was flat as well so we got a few resort photos and we'll have video resort reviews with in a couple of days.

02-20-2007, 11:42 AM
Cool... Did you guys get out over this last weekend at all? Monday was actually pretty good if you looked around a bit. A bit of fresh on Sunday + wind deposit over night into Monday morning made for some nice windpack pow shots here and there, even in-bounds at Kirkwood. Backcountry would have been sweet, but alas, I was solo again... Oh well...