View Full Version : Kirkwood, 1/17/2007

01-24-2007, 12:51 PM
Last Wensday my friend John and I went out to Kirkwood to check out the scene. The park was icy, the groomers were hard, and it seemed like everything was pretty abused by the wind.
Late in the afternoon we decided to head up six and traverse over to Sentinel Bowl to check the conditions. Of course I brought my shovel just in case! It turned out that since that bowl never really gets to see the sun the snow was still soft and deep, and most of the snow that was getting blown off the ridges was finding refuge in this bowl!

We found and sweet little spot and started digging. It wasn't the biggest booter to date but it was cool because it had some options. You could pick you landing by angling a bit different. If you went left it was only about 15' to a good landing, and if you went left you could shoot out as far as your little hucking hart desired, because the was a small ridge that could be hip'd into on that side. Really cool setup and provided plenty of entertainment for our afternoon. Check out he photos! They are all of John, Taken by Myself.
Good day, Can't wait to go agian!