View Full Version : MORE from Absinthe

01-02-2007, 11:22 AM
MORE is the latest offering for the Absinthe film crew. Filmed in Tahoe, AK, China, Wyoming, Utah and many other sick spots world wide.

Some definite highlight are Travis Rices and Gigi Ruf's sections, but the rest are amazing too. This film is packed with all the headliners: Wolle Nyvelt, Nico Muller, Kurt Wastell, Nico Droz, Jonaven Moore, Jules Raymond, Erik Christensen, JP Solberg, Leblanc, MFM, Beardmore, there's even a cupple appierences from Terje.

The thing that really impressed me about this movie was how it changed my opion on many riders. Absinthe always does a good job of showing riders doing a variaty of shreding. Jules in AK, MFM hitting pow kickers and natural, Droz section is all backcountry freestyle too. Turn my opion of jibbers into Jacks of all trades. Some serious rippin' for sure.

Disappointment: Where the hell was Romain? That guy had a solid section last year and should have definitely been in this one. Guess it would have been just too good...

Get MORE out of life, you deserve it. :thumbsup:

01-02-2007, 12:50 PM
Yep, good film. Always a fan of Absinthe, films and otherwise.. Check out Fuel TV's "Flipside" which is a series based on the filming of "More". Kinda like TGR's "Untracked" on Fuel which covers the filming of their yearly movies..

Anyway, I think Romain got banged up and wasn't riding/fiming much if at all do to injuries last season... At least I thought I heard that somewhere. He's been a staple for the Absinthe crew for years so I don't think they'd drop him if he was healthy...

Another thumbs up for this year's Standard film, "Dream the line". Grabbed that over the holidays and definitely approve... Always good stuff from them..

Picked up a cheap pack of movies on sale at Zumiez for $20. Included: The Big Blind, Sandbox, and I think Perception from our local Tahoe friends "First Track's Productions"... Glad to see Anthony got his movie bundled with some other good movies... Anyway, it was a $20 well spent...

01-02-2007, 02:02 PM
Yea, Draw the Line gets the next Review! Well actually I'll sum up! Great extras.

01-06-2007, 07:32 PM
Absinthe is for sure the best! Year after year the've come out with solid films that seem to do exactly what they're designed to do, get you HYPED to get out and ride. After seeing Pop for the first time, it changed the way I looked at all "action" films and then followed up by Future Proof and More, unbelievable. The riders, the locations and the film crew put out the best films in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I'm hyped to see videos from all crews and have been exceptionally pleased with the standard crew such as with "Draw the line" and am definatly loking forward to seeing "In transit".

01-22-2007, 01:59 PM
Nothing more to ad really I just can't stop watching this flick.

01-22-2007, 02:13 PM
Word around the campfire is DC is going to expand it's line of products from its successful boots and outerwear, into a new line of boards and bindings as well.

Do you think this is a good move for DC? How will this effect some of your favorite stick rippers? Will they give TRice a truck load of cash and make him ride all DC? I hear Devun Walsh is already signed up!

Do you think the products will be origional or will they be re-branded dups? :confused:

01-23-2007, 08:55 AM
Hmmm... Why would DC want to dilute it's product line by doing that? I mean, how many board and binding companies come and go? Dunno, just doesn't seem like a brilliant idea, but time will tell.

As for Devun Walsh and movies, you guys ever go back and watch some of his old Whiskey films? Definitely back to the core of the early pro days... Some funny $#it in those flicks... The line that always pops up when I see Devun is from an old drunk homeless guy they dressed up as a clown in one of the films saying "Devun Walsh is an alcoholic"... Can't even think of him without those words in my head...

01-23-2007, 08:31 PM
Not to hyped on the news about DC. It seems like when a company that has always specialized in a certain nitch (such as boots, bindings, boards) and then trys to expand in hopes to create more revenue, them end up diluting the final product and loosing the original market. Well just have to wait and see though, Lib-tech has some what done a similar thing by producing skateboards along side their snowboards and just recently expanding in to the ski market, the thing is, those are all much more related and it makes sence for them to produce similar products for differnt markets. I t would be easier for a board company to produce a skateboard or ski than for a boot company to produce a board...Not to hyped on the huge corprate image anyways...

anyways, havn't gotten a copy of in transit yet, so I just have more on repeat!

01-23-2007, 08:32 PM
oh yeah, why is this in this thread?

01-24-2007, 10:30 AM
whoops!!! haha!

02-08-2007, 02:02 PM
Absinthe makes some good stuff, although I've been less and less stoked on their stuff the last couple years. Romaine's part a year or two ago was pretty nice though.

Saw AC's vid on RSN a few weeks ago while we were up at Breck. Stoked for AC, congrats dude! Don't remember which one it was...from a year or two ago.


02-08-2007, 05:54 PM
Romain must have been hurt for the last one too. He didn't have a section, and He's one of my favorite riders to watch for sure.

I have definitely been stoke on the last two years though.