View Full Version : Impact shorts recommendation

10-14-2006, 10:09 AM
Last season was my wife's full season of snowboarding. It's now 7 months after the season ended and her tailbone still hurts. I'm talking way down at the tip. Seems most of the impact shorts don't really have padding low enough to protect it, and the ones that go low enough seems to simply slide upwards when she sits down.

Can anyone recommend a good quality impact short? Redz (sp?) is no good. Pro Tec (sp?) seems to be the best so far, but we're hoping there's something better.

Of course she'll be good enough soon so that she won't continuously fall on her butt, but a confidence builder to start the season would be a good thing. I'm not concerned about price, so fire away with any product recommendations.

Thanks for any help!

10-18-2006, 05:31 AM
Yeah, a tailbone shot may take up to two years to fully heal to the point where you don't feel anything when sitting in various positions. If you want comfort with average protection then check out the Pro Tec as they are light weight and more easily found in stores. The best protection will come from a pair that has a plastic tailbone piece over the padding to distribute shock. These however tend to usually be bulky in stature. www.Hillbillydirtgear.com makes a bomb proof, bulkier version that the mountainboarding community mostly uses.

10-18-2006, 05:51 AM
Thanks, Mark! You're always a great help. The Pro Tec's were "ok". When she tried 'em on, it seemed like if she fell on her butt the pads might just shift upward rather than take much of the impact. Those Hillbilly shorts looked pretty great because of the two pads on either side of the tailbone were also there to absorb the impact. Again, just a confidence booster for her.

10-18-2006, 06:41 AM
One thing to consider also is how well they'll fit under snow pants. The Pro Tec will, where as the bulkier models may not considering gender shape, looseness of pants, etc. Some females may not like the "bubble butt" look of the bulkier ones either:)

10-18-2006, 06:56 AM
Her pain has erased her vanity. She thinks her pants can afford the room...if not, some cheap, bigger pants for the season might do the trick.