View Full Version : Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast

04-24-2006, 10:46 AM
Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast,
To soften rocks, or bend a knotted oak.

Spring has sprung. I'm feeling the hunger. And I have a hogshead of new tunes on my desktop.

Anyone else up for another music potluck?

If there *is* interest, we could even try to join the 21st century, kicking and screaming, and set up some sort of online swap-thingie. Though it is fun to get those packages in the mail...

04-25-2006, 04:31 AM
my little alcohol soaked brain has been thinking about some tracks to lay down. it is nice to get the packages...but I never really get around to adding all the track names to my ipod. either way works for me!


04-25-2006, 02:00 PM
count me in too!!!

hey, how y'all doing!!!!????

04-26-2006, 06:42 AM
doing good man!

getting the park ready for another event (June 3rd). mountainbiking a bit. 4x4'ing in my new(er) 4Runner a bit. drinking a lot. hanging out on mySpace (mehugtree). enjoying the beautiful spring weather in the ATL. Soap Box racing. being famous (on IMDB, which equals fame, right? even if the movie I was in has been declared "the worst movie ever made"?) rafting. drinking. getting ready for some wakeboarding. drinking.

how the hell are you?


04-27-2006, 10:37 AM
hmm...got some riding in this Winter, been hanging out on Answerology.com actually..pretty addictive site so whatever you do DO NOT go there...repeat DO NOT go.
Just about to start looking for a new crib...you wouldn't believe our prices....and planning a little even this Fall...gulp...rather not say what it is yet...

I always knew fame was headed your way bro....I mean how could it not be?!

04-27-2006, 03:53 PM
hmm...got some riding in this Winter, been hanging out on Answerology.com actually..pretty addictive site so whatever you do DO NOT go there...repeat DO NOT go.
Just about to start looking for a new crib...you wouldn't believe our prices....and planning a little even this Fall...gulp...rather not say what it is yet...

I always knew fame was headed your way bro....I mean how could it not be?!

A little event in Fall? Is that the Midget Thumb-Wrasslin' Tournament we discussed?

As for moi: I have a little event planned that involves sacrificing a young male virgin to appease the gods. And *that* is all I will say about that until *you* spill your beans.

Other than that, just been livin' la dolce vita. I work 2 hours a day. That leaves 22 hours for sleeping, kissing the boys and making them cry, reading Young Adult novels, and drinking Dr. Pepper. Doing lots of writing and laughing. Happy times, good to be alive.

Mehug is indeed famous. Everyone who has freshened up at my place knows his face (bathroom mirror, photo).

Oh, yeah, and I'm in training for a surf trip to Nicaragua. Eek.

04-27-2006, 03:58 PM
Soap Box racing? How intriguing! Anything involving pontificating at high speeds is good clean fun.

Keep rocking, macushla.


Edit: D'oh. For mehug, obviously.

04-28-2006, 01:49 PM
Where's Tantrum? I miss the 80's! ;)

Mehug, I still have your wipeout on Tivo. Unfortunately, the Tivo is getting filled up w/ Oprah, Food Channel's Ultimate Kitchen, General Hospital, and Good Eats. I've gotta get off my duff and get that recorded and sent out to you. But, I have not forgotten young man!

DrB and I have gotten a little wine addiction going on. Gets expensive. Playing sixteen volleyball leagues in my spare time. Have to do it while I'm still young enough to jump.


04-29-2006, 09:18 PM
Only 16 leagues? Slacker... pft...

Music is good... m'kay....

Sun's finally coming out. Played beach ball last weekend down in Santa Cruz and won an amateur coed tourney with my wife... Sandbagging is good, m'kay? Got a pair of matching t-shirts.. Woohoo!

Season opening baseball game for my old man league (25+) and went 1 for 3 with a stand-up tripple.. Woohoo! Pitched the final inning to earn the save... Woohoo!

Went boarding today for probably the last time this season... Got sunburned, pelted by marble sized hail while stuck on the chair heading up to the top of the mountain wearing a t-shirt and baseball cap, and had a blast... Woohoo!

So, um, thing's are cool... I'm digging the spring...

Got bored and made a little animated .gif from todays fun...

Rich enjoying some sloppy slushy tracks up top...

And a nice view... ;)

05-01-2006, 09:02 AM
So far, we have:

dr. bunda
evil ninja
Kimmie K

Paging Tantrum...

05-02-2006, 02:21 PM
Geez, you guys are all having fun. I'm stuck at my desk constantly bombarded with the question "Why don't we have more patients?!!!" Oh well, it's my personal hell.

NK, I'm playing for a beer league softball team and I went yard in our last game. Brought back memories of back in the day playing college ball. Glad to see you can still throw the pill and collect the save.

Canuck, is your rumor what I think it is?

No can do the swap this year as I barely have time to type this out. If, however, you could download to an ftp, then I MIGHT have time to share my excellent collection of 80s music.

05-02-2006, 02:31 PM
Sorry to hear that you are finally earning your money at work... I hate it when that happens... As for going yard, that is cool. It's been a while since I've had that pleasure. I need to work on it though, as I can't seem to run to first without pulling a muscle these days. I can play volleyball all day, but can't run 90ft... sheesh...

Anyway, looking forward to what'ev people have time for... I have no clue what I might contribute this time around, but I'll figure something out. usually do...

05-03-2006, 08:45 AM
Speaking of music, last night I was partying with INXS at a hotel in Washington, DC. Fun times with really great guys. I just may have to get back in the swing of things and start participating in the swap again...

05-04-2006, 09:01 AM
My claim to fame is I made a Ham 'n Cheese sandwhich at Arby's while I was in college for Paperboy, or the rapper that sang Paperboy. Can't remember.


05-05-2006, 10:26 AM
w00t. Added MARK and Tantrum (We'll make it work, sugar. You ftp 'em to my site, I burn 'em, or something). MARK, I'll PM you my email.

dr. bunda
evil ninja
Kimmie K
Tantrum (via ftp)

05-06-2006, 05:41 AM
Back in the day we all would simply burn 15 to 20 .wav songs onto a cd-r. If not already doing so, do we not just want to burn onto a cd-r in mp3 format? We could get both more songs and a wider sample without doing anymoe work. Perhaps we could all just do a set number of songs without going overboard such as 40 mp3s per person, preferably in 160 bit rate or better?