View Full Version : Kirkwood, Feb. 5th - last Tahoe snow...

02-13-2006, 03:59 PM
Seems winter shut down on us out here temporarily, but there is hope for this next weekend. Has been in mid to low 70's the last week donw in the Bay Area, Tahoe temps up to high 50's... Hoping for a Tahoe Winter, part 2 to start up shortly...

Anyway, finally got around to downloading the last shots I took from Feb 5th. Started snowing that day at 7:30m, and continued off and on until 2pm ish. Nothing heavy, or espeically cold, just a little snow.

For the most part it was dust on crust, with a few pockets of deeper higher up. Nothing spectacular, but got some fresh, if not fluffy, tracks early and late in the day...

02-13-2006, 05:01 PM
I especially like the third photo from the top. Not sure why; just do. :)

But, um, where the heck DID winter go? It's blazing hot down south here.

Things up at Mammoth are kinda intense, given the lack of new snow and warming/freezing temps. Six fatalities in a one-week span (4 were skier-vs-inanimate object--fast, slick conditions). :(

C'mon, Ullr, show us the love!

02-14-2006, 12:10 PM
Wow, hadn't heard about all the fatalities there. I know the resorts had been posting warnings about uncontroled slides etc, but didn't know the numbers. That's pretty crazy...

Anyway, Ullr will answer our prayers this week. He'll flex his muscle a little early next week maybe.

In the meantime, Happy Valentines! Or, Happy Hallmark aka Corporatly Engineered Holiday!

02-20-2006, 11:20 AM
Nice pics, been along time since I got to ride the wood. So far my only days of real powder have been in Michigan,strange...

02-21-2006, 07:53 AM
Yah, riding the wood took on new meaning to me over the weekend.. Now riding at Kirkwood, that's a different thing.. ;)

Strange about pow in Michigan, but then again, been a strange winter... At least you're getting some pow... It's like winter part 2 over there.. Or even Part 1 for some areas...

So, you hanging back on that side of the country or you all set up back in the PNW? Done traveling for a bit? Or is that just a dream that'll never happen?

BTW, the NXT(?) bindings for next year look good...

02-21-2006, 09:02 AM
Riding the wood, I thought that would be your wife's job, well you do live close to SF.

Actually this area of Michigan gets lots of snow, usually lake effect stuff. I think they are at 140" so far, but they had 5 week dryspell. It was fun, but like I said, it's kind of like a 2 pump chump,oh well.

I move this weekend to the PNW, the areas are doing swell & they have a nice half pipe, maybe I can do back to back straight airs. I'll miss some stuff about SoCal, but am looking forward to going back, although I will be staying with the parents for a bit. Hoping they can retire & they forget to sell the house.

Bindings are doing well, but dam those things are a pain in the ass to work on. I can't imagine working on 2 straps again, those guys have it so easy, but that would be boring. We still have lots of little loose ends to tie up before production, simple stuff that should have been fixed before samples. Boards are kicking a$$ though:) I guess when you have Burton guys taking pictures of the boards then that can be a compliment. I wish I was the one to catch them, I told my buddy who works there that I was a bit pissed off. He said I could take pictures of their boards & I said why would I want pictures of their boards. I said it nicely, after all I'm a nice guy...sort of

How's the job thing going?