View Full Version : Noknees...you ever do the Ixtapa volleyball trip?

11-22-2005, 12:16 PM

Bunda and I are thinking about possibly giving it a try next year. If you and the misses are thinking about it, may be a good time to get hammered and play volleyball w/out jumping due to our "excellent" knees.

Too close to our return from Brazil for this year to try to make it, but I know a number of people who have done it and had a blast.


11-23-2005, 09:10 AM
Haven't made it down to that one yet... Had trouble finding info on it last time I tried to look it up... I'm putting it on the new Calendar and will let the wife know about it. I bet we would be down for that... Any excuse to go somewhere warm, get drunk, and play ball. The play ball is optional...

We'll have to check on it again this time next year... BTW, know anyone that has gone? Any first hand reviews?

11-23-2005, 10:53 AM
Haven't made it down to that one yet... Had trouble finding info on it last time I tried to look it up... I'm putting it on the new Calendar and will let the wife know about it. I bet we would be down for that... Any excuse to go somewhere warm, get drunk, and play ball. The play ball is optional...

We'll have to check on it again this time next year... BTW, know anyone that has gone? Any first hand reviews?

A lady I play 4's with on Thursdays has gone numerous times. Had a great time each year. Says the pros are great to play with, very humble and nice. Cocktails overflow apparently. She's pretty much convinced Bunda and I to make it down there some time.

Another friend who's just getting into ball has also gone down. She're pretty much a volleyball groupie at this point. I see her at every volleyball function I go to now. She had a blast down there as well, not playing.

We could bust out the old school balls (go ahead, make fun) and teach the youngsters with 30 inch verts how to take a whupping like an old man. ;)

Does the wife play?


11-23-2005, 01:12 PM
Sounds like fun... Similar, but smaller, than the Estero Beach tourney I've been going to for a while. What I didn't notice was, do you go with your own team, or is it a blind draw, etc? Short court or old school with the old leather Spaldings? Saw 4's, doubles Pro-Am, etc... Should be fun regardless...

As for the wife, ya, she plays.. She played a little in High School, Club, and Junior College... So, she was actually taught properly... Since then, she still plays some indoor rec leagues along with some sand and getting back into grass doubles with and without me. Doesn't hurt that she'll 5'11 either... Nice having a woman that can hit down in the sand.. Heck, half the summer I couldn't even do that with all my old man excuses...

Anyway, should be fun. Oh, and I think we are going to try to get up to one of the Co tourney's next summer too. Probably the Motherload, but will have to check calendars.. Actually trying to makes some plans for a change instead of just winging it...

11-23-2005, 09:28 PM
Motherload! I can tell you've found your calling my friends. Haven't really played enough volleyball to consider. But muy bueno to all of you. I've played way too much bad pool lately. Just trying to get in shape for the mountains with the 16 oz curls. hehe. Any snow yet in Tahoe?

11-24-2005, 10:45 PM
Bunda's really got into the game now as well. We just took part in a clinic and her hitting and setting got much better. Kinda stoked to try some coed two's with her next summer.

Motherlode is supposedly a killer party and tournament. Problem is, if you lose your first match, you don't play until the next day. So, don't lose. ;) Apparently there's a lot of sandbaggers as well.

Steamboat apparently has a well run tourney earlier in the summer. We went up to Breckenridge this past summer and it was nice. Grass doubles, co-ed and non. Decent competition, but probably smaller than both the Lode and Steamboat. (not sure about steamboat) Also there's a "King of" tourney in Vail at some point in the summer.

Looks like the Ixtapa doubles is more like a draw where you're assigned a pool and play with all other members in your pool for a game. Top winners move on.