View Full Version : the 2nd keg did me in. anyone else have fun?

10-31-2005, 11:26 AM
this halloween has been epic fa shizzy. the 2nd parties keg was the real problem but i was still able to stumble over to the hilton and stay sober enough to protect the ladies. was kinda upset that i didnt win the costume contest, yo i had a diaper and nothing else on how fing funny is that. will post some pics if i can find any im hoping there were none taken tho. looking forward to trick or treating with my kid tonight. post ur stories peace.

10-31-2005, 12:49 PM
I spent the better part of trying to find a stuffed sheep. Trying to battle little kids & trying not to laugh when I explained what it was for. I had to settle for Winnie the Pooh, I wanted to be a sheep phuker or chicken phuker, in the end I had to settle for a Pooh phuker. Won best prize, now I have a nice somewhat new 40oz to share with that special someone or when my mom comes to visit. Small party but good, spent most of the night with girls that wanted to touch my Pooh.

10-31-2005, 03:05 PM
I didn't win any costume contests. but there is still hope tonight!

I did, though, put on a contest. well, jam actually. Hucktoberfest:




it was a blast! 4 kegs, a band, a DJ, a hillbilly hot tub, a haunted house and about 150people or so all in my backyard. woo hoo!

still a mess.


11-01-2005, 09:05 AM
Bonfire! Firewater! Sleeping under the stars!

Oww, I hurt.

Hungry like a she-wolf:

11-01-2005, 02:24 PM
I hit up the Castro with a couple friends super drunk. It was so much fun. I think there were about 300,000 people there this year.

11-01-2005, 03:00 PM
Hey E, thought the idea was to dress up different, something out of character?

Anyway, speaking of Deepak and the Castro, last time I was up that way saw a shop selling an inflatable "Love Ewe".

Reminds me of another bad joke..... "Why do Scottsmen wear kilts? A sheep can hear a zipper drop a mile away"

Anyway, I just spen the evening eating sushi, having a few drinks at home, watching newly pirated snowboard flicks and handing out candy 'til we ran out. Not too exciting, but truly relaxing...

11-01-2005, 06:12 PM
By the way, Winnie is a she Pooh & not a ewe. Wow I rhymed! I thought you would at the Castro, going as the "old glory", hole that is. Sushi, snowboard flicks & wine sound great. Better than getting hot pooh from sitting too close to the fire,SoCal gets cold this time of year, must have been 60 out. Regarding you joke about sheep banging, I must correct you for the good of all sheep bangers. We have button flies & have pockets so we can stuff their little feet in there. Speaking of which,say hi to the wife.
dirka dirka,

11-01-2005, 10:32 PM
All work & no pooh makes e sad. Going on vacation tomorrow, well in 8 hours. Guess I'll sleep on the plane, since I am no where near done with work tonight.