View Full Version : oh yeah, I'm going to be in CO this weekend.

08-11-2005, 05:54 AM
once again, it's time for the US Opens of Mountainboarding:


I'm competing in the Master's division this year. Which is also known as the Hungover Division. Perfect.

if any of y'all want to meet up, holler at me: 404-862-0494


08-11-2005, 06:35 AM
Bunda and I will be in Breckendridge for the Putterhead volleyball tournament. Staying up there Saturday night and playing Sunday.

I'll talk to her and see if she's open to a little drive.


08-11-2005, 06:43 AM
I'm picking up Mrs. T and the little ladies from the airport on Sat. Drink a fatty for me, would you?:p

08-19-2005, 11:56 AM
How'd you do? I can't find a results page for this year's contest.

BTW, the dirtheads website is in need of some serious updating. Some stuff from 2002 on there.

BTW2, you putting on a trailerpark event this year?

08-19-2005, 12:53 PM
Ted made a big impression on the track, literally :o

08-19-2005, 12:59 PM
man, it was a blast! and very painful.

I got 4th in the master's division. Took some nasty spills in my second to last race (see below), so was kind of out of it for the finals (like dizzy and stuff). But it was good.

the highlight, (besides nights of drinking with loose women, enjoying the beautiful weather and scenery while sipping on finely crafted Colorado ales, and the camraderie of the mountainboarding family) was meeting T-Bone and seeing Bunda again! met them at a volleyball game in Breck and had fun rooting on some local ballers. a little dinner with 'em, some talk about my bloody a$s, and back home to ATL!

how are the ladies?


08-22-2005, 08:08 AM
That looks like quite the digger.

Congrats on the 4th place. Just don't tell me there were only 4 competitors. :p

The family is doing fine. I told Mrs. T about the comp and she remembers hanging with the dirtheads last year in Aspen. You all are a special breed!:D I hope the duct tape protected all of your vital bits.

08-22-2005, 11:40 AM
That does not look pleasant. Would be a much cooler sequence if it was someone other than who we knew. ;)

Was cool finally getting to meet up man. Trust you guys had a nap on the flight back. Let me know if you guys are able to make it out here for the snow.

BTW, loving the CD. Your music does complete 180's from year to year--very cool.


08-23-2005, 10:26 AM
Was so cool to see you again!!! Hopefully you can come out in the winter so we can finally board together!

Here's the pic I took on my cell phone at dinner!!

Left to Right: TBone, Me, and MeHug. Aren't I the LUCKY one here!!! :D

<img src="http://forums.outdoorreview.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=804&stc=1">

08-24-2005, 10:15 AM
Got a license to drive that heavy earth-moving machinery, buddy?

Sorry about the bumped-up bum, but ya gotta admit, that is a classic sequence.

08-24-2005, 10:16 AM
Was so cool to see you again!!! Hopefully you can come out in the winter so we can finally board together!

Here's the pic I took on my cell phone at dinner!!

Left to Right: TBone, Me, and MeHug. Aren't I the LUCKY one here!!! :D

<img src="http://forums.outdoorreview.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=804&stc=1">

Hmm, I see the img tag in your message in this quote/compose message window, but the photo doesn't show up for me.

08-24-2005, 10:21 AM
Hmm, I see the img tag in your message in this quote/compose message window, but the photo doesn't show up for me.No piccy!:(

08-25-2005, 07:05 AM
Hmm, I see the img tag in your message in this quote/compose message window, but the photo doesn't show up for me.

here ya go:

<img src="http://server.ipp.cas.cz/~lukes/03blanc/01gouter/slides/MB07.jpg">


08-25-2005, 07:35 AM
Dr. B doesn't quite look like I remember.:eek:

Those 2 on the left must be pretty embarrassed to be able to cover all of their bits and pieces in one hand.:)

08-25-2005, 07:38 AM
well they were probably all just rolling around in the snow together so shrinkage could be a factor?

08-25-2005, 09:17 AM
...are a little suspect, no?

How are you?

(I think I need to get you T-Bone's CD, btw...I believe I sent your care package out just before his arrived to my place.)

well they were probably all just rolling around in the snow together so shrinkage could be a factor?

08-25-2005, 10:07 AM
No piccy!:(

Hope this works. Someone help me out with this new piccy system. If i want to put a pic in my post and continue to write, I upload it with the button below, and then what? Last time i tried copying the html link into the img source deal but that didnt work.

So hopefully you'll see this pic. No shrinkage here!!

08-25-2005, 10:10 AM
Dr. B doesn't quite look like I remember.:eek:

Those 2 on the left must be pretty embarrassed to be able to cover all of their bits and pieces in one hand.:)

I forgot to tell everyone that I had a sex change. I look hot, don't I?

08-25-2005, 12:06 PM
Looks like you got the meat and the buns...all you need is the melted cheese (me)!


Cute photo.

08-25-2005, 12:37 PM
Hope this works. Someone help me out with this new piccy system. If i want to put a pic in my post and continue to write, I upload it with the button below, and then what? Last time i tried copying the html link into the img source deal but that didnt work.

So hopefully you'll see this pic. No shrinkage here!!Is that a mullet on MHT or an optical illusion? What happened to the mop-top?