View Full Version : CDs - First impressions...

07-08-2005, 04:25 PM
So I wake up today at about 1PM after 15 hours of sleep and the USPS has delieverd the goods. Some of you all put in some time on the cover/CD art. Kimi K, is that a piccy of you? If so, we haven't been properly introduced!:eek: MHT, LL, Coldcat, Canaria, and NK excellent job. And thanks for the "Parental Advisory" warning NK. I don't want my girls exposed to that kind of music just yet.:p

I feel sort of lazy with my hand written disc. But, I did include a song-list. And, if I know Canuck, he chucked it straight-away out of his sunroof.:( DJ Evil putting out a triple disc! Woo hoo!

As I rip these, I think we need to send the hub a 512 MB SD card and have the songs loaded directly to the card. Not that I'm volunteering for it mind you.:p

Happy listening!

07-10-2005, 07:27 AM
Just got the package and today I’ll start some spinning. Looks like I win for the lamest aesthetics. I think real player will list the songs but that’s cheating :D

Thanks much LL and to everybody that participated.

07-11-2005, 07:26 AM
Yep, got the package before I went out the door Friday... Woohoo! Haven't had a chance to listen to it all yet, but so far so good. Canuck going classic rock on us through me off, but made a nice save with some 80's new wave.

Can't wait to listen to the rest. THanks again all, espeically LL.

07-12-2005, 07:43 AM
Hey! so I was checking out your disc this morning, skanking down to the ska beat, and then I unfortunately came to the Tom Tom Club and had this most disturbing image run through my brain of you, with big hair, dancing the Robot to this track!

That never happened right?

-good work by the way!

07-13-2005, 06:22 AM
Although, my hair was more Flock of Seagulls back then.

Glad you liked the selections (well, most anyway:) ).

07-13-2005, 10:18 AM


I love trading mix discs. So far the tunage is excellent! althought I haven't gotten through very many.

Thanks Ya'll!


07-13-2005, 01:08 PM
Well, since I got a partial-pack, I still have to wait to receive a few more of the goodies, hurry up Lizzie, or you won't catch me even at the snail mail addy... :p

So the CDs of:

Coldcat (girl, yours is always the first one in, nice and mellow, awesome!)
Canuck (outdid yourself, all the hippy chicks from Bellingham loved it! :D )
Tantrum (hi ska master, put a Spanish ska track on my mix for you, oi!)
NoKnees (if this is your workout mix, I can see why the injuries.. lol, awesome!)
Dj Evilninja (Hyperactive child... 3 cds?! Still going through them, nice variety!)
Jibnot (...or the nameless international man of mistery, top secret)
Sara (will get to it asap, promise. How's Stine?)
and some Oz fellow (ehem! Track 18 silenced the car, so to speak... :D )

...went with me to Costa Rica, and proved to make a fantastic soundtrack for the trip.

Thanks for the memories!

...and now send the rest. :)