View Full Version : not snowboarding, not mountainboarding

07-01-2005, 05:53 AM
this past weekend was supposed to head up to a mountainboard contest in Canton, PA, but things went awry. Ended up here:

<img src="http://photos16.flickr.com/22815111_e090184840.jpg">

so we figured we'd rent bikes,:

<img src="http://photos19.flickr.com/22815115_fadd5d9e13.jpg">

then go to a bar:

<img src="http://photos15.flickr.com/22815112_25d870aadc.jpg">

then the beach:

<img src="http://photos17.flickr.com/22815116_fc5eff60e2.jpg">

followed by a sunset cruise.

<img src="http://photos15.flickr.com/22815114_c2913066ee.jpg">

it didn't suck.


07-01-2005, 10:24 AM
Sweet.. yah, that's a little different than PA... I didn't figure it out until you got down to Sloppy Joes, then I did the math... Can't believe I hadn't heard about the whole Conch Replublic thing before. Funny story... (http://www.conchrepublic.com/history.htm)

Good times... Definitely good to be spontaneous...