View Full Version : still riding!

06-20-2005, 07:09 AM
There is still some backcountry to be had. Did Tuckerman's2 (or caribou cirque depending on which name you prefer) this weekend. Easy hike, decent amount of snow left, perfect conditions. God Bless snowboarding. Haven't checked these pages in months. Hope everyone is having a great summer, and don't give up on the snow yet, you just have to work a little harder for the turns!

06-20-2005, 09:47 AM
what is it, like 18,000 elevation and north facing glacier?

06-20-2005, 10:09 AM
And for the lazier snowboarders...Timberline is doing pretty well, considering. Rode there Friday and Saturday, actually had some fresh snow both days and the public park is pretty nice. I could have done without camping in the rain but the riding made it worth it. Saw some sick stuff in the Abominable Snowjam quarterpipe comp too. I'm going to try and head back down there soon and hopefully get some better weather!

06-20-2005, 02:35 PM
Wish were riding... Spent the weekend finishing my move, and cleaning out the old apartment...

Mt. Shasta had 1-2ft of fresh by Friday... Just a few inches of fresh stuff in Tahoe above 9k with the majority of it becoming one with the current corn spring snowpack. The locals definitely had some fun up there splitboarding again though... Think we'll be enjoying spring riding for another month in many places..


06-20-2005, 02:54 PM
And for the lazier snowboarders...Timberline is doing pretty well, considering. Rode there Friday and Saturday, actually had some fresh snow both days and the public park is pretty nice. I could have done without camping in the rain but the riding made it worth it. Saw some sick stuff in the Abominable Snowjam quarterpipe comp too. I'm going to try and head back down there soon and hopefully get some better weather!

I would let a lift take me up any day. Unfortunately, in CO I no longer have that option! I'm looking close to a 2 hour hike minimum, for 1000 vert of ride. The fun/work ratio is starting to drop quickly!

06-20-2005, 02:59 PM
better than anything here, that's for sure.

06-22-2005, 08:10 AM
And for the lazier snowboarders...Timberline is doing pretty well, considering. Rode there Friday and Saturday, actually had some fresh snow both days and the public park is pretty nice. I could have done without camping in the rain but the riding made it worth it. Saw some sick stuff in the Abominable Snowjam quarterpipe comp too. I'm going to try and head back down there soon and hopefully get some better weather!

...the damned lazy snowboarders will ride TIMBERLINE. :) I like that place, but the weather is depressing (I came out there expecting to ride in 70 degree temps.... WRONG!). OFW, I guess some is better than none tho.


06-22-2005, 10:03 AM
...the damned lazy snowboarders will ride TIMBERLINE. :) I like that place, but the weather is depressing (I came out there expecting to ride in 70 degree temps.... WRONG!). OFW, I guess some is better than none tho.


Haha, yeah, my days at Timberline so far this year have been 1 sunny, 1 questionable, and 3 snow/rain/.

06-24-2005, 11:11 AM
Talked to AC, guess it snowed up at the wood. Back home(parent's) for a few days in Seattle. Saw Rainier, now that's a mountain. Wish I had time to go there. Think I might be headed to Helens on sunday, nephew wants to see it. How's the move goin?

06-28-2005, 02:54 PM
Yah, weird stuff. Not exactly powder, but a little bit'o fresh none-the-less..

As for the move, um, well, it went... Glad to be done. House is filled with boxes now. Still need to call the old landlord to see what's up with our deposit, etc. And wife is still out of the country leaving me alone in a new place to fend for myself... Ah well...

Helens sounds cool... Bring your board and go for a ride.. :) Just make sure it doesn't go off on ya while you are there. With all the recent quake action on the pacific rim who knows what's coming these days... Half of Cali might just drop off into the ocean yet..

06-30-2005, 08:36 AM
Didn't make it to Helens. My brother did with his family. My nephew wants to be a volcanologist, weird little bastage. The trip was quick, but nice. But I do get to take off again for most of July, yeah. Canada,Austria,Germany,Italy & Norway. I need to get away from the OC.

Enjoy the packing & remember, lift with the back & if there is swelling then drink more beer.